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       Building Completion Insurance Will Stand Out in        earthquake resistance. Therefore, Bina Tamamlama Sigortası
       2025                                                   (Building Completion Insurance) is a product that both
                                                              financially protects property owners and ensures that, in the
       Yaşar also emphasized that among the scenarios frightening   event of an earthquake, we can recover with minimal damage,
       the sector in 2025 are the significant damages caused by   thereby relieving a significant burden from our country. For
       natural disasters, deficiencies in insurance penetration, and   this reason, insured urban transformation, which we have
       economic uncertainties, stating the following:         initiated with municipalities and will continue to accelerate in
                                                              2025, should be a priority not only for the sector but for the
       “The  potential  Marmara  Earthquake  will  be  a  serious  test   national agenda as well. As Maher Holding Sigorta Grubu,
       not only for the insurance sector but for the entire economy   we are able to offer a comprehensive product through our
       and even national security. For this reason, we constantly   ecosystem, which we call Quick Finansall.
       emphasize the necessity of insured urban transformation
       and are deepening our efforts in this area. Focusing on   Along with Bina Tamamlama Sigortası (Building Completion
       urban transformation is on the agenda of both our insurance   Insurance), we aim to enhance safety and quality in the
       companies and another one of our subsidiaries, MHR GYO.   construction sector with additional products such as
       Insured urban transformation means that property owners   professional  liability  insurance  and  construction  liability
       can feel secure about the completion of the building. At the   insurance. These products encourage contractors, engineers,
       same  time,  since  insurers  will  act  as  strict  auditors  during   and other professionals to fulfill their responsibilities while
       the construction process, it also guarantees structures with   ensuring transparency and oversight at every stage of the

        Katılım Emeklilik and Dünya Katılım Bankası signed a collaboration agreement

                                                             established with the vision of becoming a leading platform in
                                                             participation banking by combining innovative financial solutions
                                                             with the best customer experience in line with the principles of
                                                             interest-free banking. As Katılım Emeklilik, it will be a source
                                                             of pride for us to share our knowledge and experience in the sale
                                                             of life insurance, personal accident insurance, health insurance,
                                                             and individual pension products with the Dünya Katılım Bankası
                                                             team. As part of the agreement, we will provide them with support
                                                             in areas such as training, operational assistance, technical
                                                             infrastructure, marketing materials, and post-sales support. We
                                                             believe that this collaboration will also create significant value
                                                             for the interest-free participation banking ecosystem.”
                                                             Highlighting that the agreement will remain in effect until 2028,
                                                             Ayhan  Sincek  said,  “This  agreement  will  expand  our  sales
       Katılım  Emeklilik  has  entered  into  a  new  collaboration  with  channels, allowing us to provide our participants with more
       Dünya  Katılım  Bankası.  Under  this  exclusivity  agreement,  quality  and  comprehensive  services.  Thanks  to  the  extensive
       Katılım  Emeklilik’s  insurance  and  individual  pension  products  service  network  of  Dünya  Katılım  Bankası,  we  will  have  the
       will now be accessible through Dünya Katılım Bankası branches.  opportunity to reach a broader audience with our products and
                                                             services. At the same time, we aim to enhance our service quality
       As a pioneer in participation-based insurance and pension systems  and customer satisfaction by collaborating on the training of our
       in  Turkey,  Katılım  Emeklilik  has  formalized  this  exclusivity  personnel and ensuring the effective flow of information to our
       agreement with Dünya Katılım Bankası.                 participants.”

       The  signing  ceremony  between  Katılım  Emeklilik  General  Expressing  his  wishes  for  the  agreement  to  bring  blessings
       Manager  Ayhan  Sincek  and  Dünya  Katılım  Bankası  General  to  both  parties,  İkram  Göktaş,  General  Manager  of  Dünya
       Manager  İkram  Göktaş  was  held  at  Katılım  Emeklilik’s  Katılım Bankası, stated: “As Dünya Katılım, we are elevating
       headquarters with the participation of the senior management  our  existing  collaboration  with  Katılım  Emeklilik  to  a  higher
       teams from both companies. Under this agreement, Dünya Katılım  level. The exclusivity agreement we have  implemented today
       Bankası customers will be able to access Katılım Emeklilik’s life  has become a testament to the trust and harmony between our
       insurance, personal accident insurance, health insurance, and  institutions. Indeed, we have taken a very valuable step today
       individual  pension  products  through  Dünya  Katılım  Bankası  toward a long-term partnership. Over the next four years, we will
       branches.                                             act as an agency for Katılım Emeklilik, facilitating the sale of
                                                             life, personal accident, health, and individual pension insurance
       Katılım Emeklilik General Manager Ayhan Sincek evaluated this  products. I hope this agreement between two strong actors in
       significant agreement, stating: “We are delighted to collaborate  the participation finance sector will be beneficial for both our
       with Dünya Katılım Bankası, a valuable partner in our industry,  industry and the national economy.”
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