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BNP Paribas Cardif Turkey focuses on “positive impact at every step”
with social responsibility projects
BNP Paribas Cardif Turkey, the most comprehensive
insurance platform in the Turkish insurance sector,
continues to make a name for itself with its social
responsibility projects. Since 2020, the company
has been part of the global “1 Million Hours of
Volunteering” initiative and continues to lead volunteer
movements that create social awareness and benefit in
various fields such as education, earthquakes, street
animals, and health.
With the mission of being the insurer of a changing world,
BNP Paribas Cardif Turkey, the most comprehensive
insurance platform in the Turkish insurance sector, has
been part of BNP Paribas’ global “1 Million Hours Foundation and distributed gifts to 900 students. On
of Volunteering” initiative since 2020. As part of this March 8th, in partnership with the Women’s Labor
initiative, the company continues to lead volunteer Evaluation Foundation (KEDV), Cardif volunteers
movements that create social awareness and benefit organized a fair for women affected by the earthquake.
in various fields such as education, earthquakes, street Additionally, they held another fair later in the year to
animals, and health, with the participation of Cardif contribute to the treatment of a baby with SMA (Spinal
volunteers during working hours. Muscular Atrophy). BNP Paribas Cardif Turkey, in
collaboration with the SMA Children’s Association,
The “1 Million Hours of Volunteering Program,” BNP supported the treatment of children with SMA
Paribas’ commitment to a more inclusive and ecological (Spinal Muscular Atrophy). During Ramadan, Cardif
world, aims to create a “Positive Impact in Every volunteers distributed meals to homeless individuals. In
Step” by encouraging employees in all BNP countries another initiative, they visited the Kadıköy Municipality
to engage in volunteer activities during working hours. Temporary Animal Shelter and donated food for street
Designed to bring together group employees and enable animals. Additionally, through the “Çöpüne Sahip Çık”
them to contribute to the work of non-governmental Foundation, Cardif volunteers organized a “Zero Waste
organizations, the program focuses on building a more Living” seminar within the company. In collaboration
inclusive and environmentally friendly world. It involves with the foundation, they distributed 100 zero-waste
BNP Paribas employees worldwide participating play sets to schools under the Ministry of National
in corporate social responsibility activities to reach Education, helping 10,143 students gain awareness of
a total of one million hours. In 2023, BNP Paribas zero waste living and environmental consciousness.
Cardif reached a total of 651,972 volunteer hours with
43,986 employees across 46 countries. During the Employees can use 5 days of Corporate Social
same period, BNP Paribas Cardif Turkey contributed Responsibility leave
to the program with 700 volunteer hours.
The social responsibility activities within the 1
As with its products and services, BNP Paribas Cardif Million Hours Volunteering Program, conducted
Turkey aims to create societal benefits in line with the simultaneously worldwide, are organized during
Sustainable Development Goals through its corporate working hours with attention to employees’ work-
social responsibility policies. The company continues life balance. In this regard, all BNP Paribas Cardif
to implement corporate social responsibility actions in Turkey employees can use 5 days of Corporate Social
various areas, including education, disaster relief, street Responsibility (CSR) leave throughout the year. This
animals, and healthcare. This year, BNP Paribas Cardif allows employees to participate in volunteer activities
Turkey continued to support university students through during working hours, raising awareness about social
the Turkish Education Foundation (TEV) Changing issues while simultaneously creating value for society.
World Scholarship Fund. Throughout the year, the Volunteers can either join the CSR events organized
company organized various aid initiatives for those in by the company during working hours or, if they wish,
need, village schools under the Ministry of National use their CSR leave to engage in social responsibility
Education, and the earthquake-affected regions. In activities in different areas, thereby contributing to the
February, Cardif volunteers visited the earthquake 1 Million Hours project.
zone in collaboration with the Turkey Spastic Children