Page 17 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 17


     Continuous and Positive Communication

     Will Increase Savings and Insurance Rates

      Uğur Gülen, President of the Insurance Association of Turkey, stated, “In the second half
      of the year, we will be discussing more about free pricing, Baremo that will reduce traffic

      costs, and the limitation of loss of value coverage.”

      The insurance sector has left the first half of the year be-  What are your expectations and forecasts for the second
      hind; how do you assess the sector's activities for both the  half of the year? What will be the agenda items for the Un-
      BES and elementary branches?                            ion in the second half?

      As  of  the  end  of  June  2024,  our  sector  achieved  a  premium  As  of  the  first  six  months,  it  is  observed  that  our  sector's
      production of 380.4 billion TL, reflecting an 80.7% increase  premium  production  has  reached  expected  levels.  In  the
      compared to the same period last year, with 337 billion TL in  insurance sector, growth above inflation is expected in 2024. A
      non-life branches and 43.3 billion TL in the life branch.  premium production level of 900 billion TL is forecasted, with
                                                              an expected growth rate of 80%.
      Auto insurance produced a total of 131.4 billion TL in premiums,
      accounting for 39% of the sector's total premium production  In the first six months of the year, our sector has made changes
      and continuing to be the driving force of the sector.   to the  fire insurance earthquake  tariff, which has been long
                                                              awaited  and  followed.  This  has  led  to  a  certain  improvement
      The traffic branch saw a premium production of 81 billion TL,  in fire compensation and tariff premiums, and I see this as a
      representing a 69.6% increase compared to the same period last  favorable regulation for the sector. While building completion
      year. The share of this branch within the total non-life segment  insurance also holds significant potential, it requires additional
      was  24%  during  this  period.  The  comprehensive  insurance  regulatory needs; however, having the regulation in place is
      branch grew by 41.2% compared to the same period last year,  beneficial for providing the sector with a new production line. As
      reaching  50.4  billion  TL,  with  its  share  of  the  total  non-life  a Union, we will continue our efforts to promote the widespread
      segment being 15%. The fire and natural disasters branch saw  adoption of Building Completion Insurance and emphasize its
      a 124% increase, producing 57.8 billion TL, while the health  importance on every platform.
      branch produced 63.1 billion TL, marking a 100% increase and
      standing out as other prominent branches.               Indexing based on damage costs in the ZTS has been introduced
                                                              to regulate long-standing traffic damages, but unfortunately,
     The health branch, with a 100% increase, stood           it remains behind the actual inflation faced by the sector and
                                                              does not take frequency developments into account. It would be
      out by generating 63.1 billion TL in premiums.          beneficial to reassess this instrument. It does not seem possible
                                                              to achieve functional integrity in the machine just by tightening
      As  of  the  first  six  months,  it  is  observed  that  our  sector's  the screws. Instead, it has become clear once again through the
      premium production has reached expected levels. While growth  Damage Cost Index that we should first transition to a band
      above inflation is anticipated in our insurance sector in 2024,  system, followed by the implementation of a free tariff as soon
      we foresee a premium production reaching 900 billion TL by the  as possible.
      end of the year, with an expected growth rate of 80%.
                                                              In addition, considering that the anticipated Marmara
      Of course, there's the individual pension system (BES)... Since  earthquake is expected to lead to a financial loss of 300 billion
      its establishment in 2003, BES has continued its stable growth  US  dollars  alongside  the  recent  major  disaster,  the  need  for
      for over 20 years, with the number of participants exceeding 16.5  insurance companies to find reinsurance capacity and create
      million according to the latest data from the Pension Monitoring  funds  has  become  an  important  agenda  item.  On  the  other
      Center. The total fund size, including state contributions, has  hand, due to the significant loss in limits set in TL during the
      also reached the critical threshold of 1 trillion TL.   inflationary environment, updating the tariff limits for fire
                                                              industrial and commercial risks is crucial for the message it
      At  the  beginning  of  this  year,  the  increase  in  the  number  of  sends to international reinsurance markets.
      participants  in  the  voluntary  BES  segment  was  around  6%,
      while the fund size experienced a notable growth of 41%. This  Furthermore, due to inflation and the resulting increases
      growth in funds is attributed to both the increase in participants'  in  asset  values,  it is  necessary to  raise  the  insured  amount
      contribution payments and the sustained high performance of  used as a reference for the voluntary earthquake tariff in its
      the funds over the past few years. We expect both the growth  implementation of free tariffs.
      in the number of participants and the funds to continue with the
      same momentum in the second half of this year.          In this sense, the changes made have been an important step
                                                              regarding preparation for the anticipated Marmara earthquake
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