Page 19 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 19


     This could result in companies reassessing their production  hospitals within the scope of supplementary health insurance,
     compositions in the traffic sector.                     aiming to make this product more widespread and provide
                                                             access to a broader range of healthcare services by covering the
     In the coming days, it will be a period where costs in the traffic  remaining  expenses  not  fully  paid  by  public  health  insurance.
     sector will be brought under control, discussions will be held  With this initiative, rapid growth in supplementary health
     regarding the Baremo System, and the separation of depreciation  insurance (TSS) will continue.
     as  an  independent  coverage  will  be  debated.  A  roadmap  for
     transitioning to free tariff will also be anticipated, along with  Additionally,  in  the  near  future,  it  is  expected  that  health
     discussions on a banded ceiling tariff method.  For the long term,  insurance will keep developing through the creation of new
     the first phase of person-based insurance, which we expect to  private health insurance products that cover modern preventive
     be implemented this year, has been completed, and the Direct  healthcare services like "wellness" and through the continued
     Compensation System, which will be opened for discussion, will  offerings of existing supplementary and private health insurance
     be milestones for products and profitability in the coming years.  policies. In this way, the insurance sector will continue to support
                                                             individuals' access to quality healthcare services.
     With the implementation of these new infrastructures, we
     anticipate the launch of new products and the emergence of lower  The  health insurance  sector  has  a  high  growth  potential,
     frequencies, resulting in more profitable operations. Additionally,  thanks to our promising young population and the increasing
     by controlling the financial and technical impacts of Baremo and  awareness of insurance. It is foreseen that the growth achieved
     depreciation costs, we expect to achieve better and faster claims  in the supplementary health branch in the previous period will be
     payment speeds.                                         sustained, and the acquisition of new policyholders will continue.
                                                             When we look at global insurance, are the developments in
      Even after a major disaster like an earthquake,        our country sufficient? Do you think Turkey, at this point, is
       the insurance coverage rate rapidly diminished        showing enough progress in the field of insurance?
        within two months, falling below last year’s
                             figures.                        Insurance today serves as an indispensable protection for the
                                                             continuation of life, industry, and commerce in a healthy manner
                                                             in all developed economies. As the insurance sector in Turkey,
     Last year, there was significant momentum in health insur-  our goal is to reach all 85 million people and tirelessly continue
     ance. Do you think the same performance has continued this  to  explain  the  importance  of  insurance  to  all  our  citizens,
     year? What  does  the future hold for  the health insurance  industrialists,  and  traders,  as  we  have  done  so  far.  The  value
     sector?                                                 we  create,  alongside  our  funds  exceeding  1.3  trillion  TL  that
                                                             support our economy, includes the coverage we provide, which
     Healthcare is a vital part of the global economy. Advances in  surpasses  24  times  the  GDP,  and  our  daily  claims  payments,
     science and technology have brought changes to the healthcare  which reach 57 million dollars across 137,000 files. We believe
     sector,  just  as  they  have  impacted  every  industry,  with  digital  this  contribution  is  noteworthy.  Of  course,  this  is  not  enough,
     transformation and artificial intelligence playing a significant  and we have a long way to go. While communicating the benefits
     role. The growing health awareness, heightened risk perception,  we create, we undoubtedly have some shortcomings, and we are
     and efforts to raise awareness have contributed to the development  working intensely on addressing these.
     of an insured lifestyle in healthcare, leading to an increase in the
     number of insured individuals.                          On this path, the continuous and positive communication of
                                                             insurance and BES is critical for increasing insurance coverage
     Additionally,  it  is  anticipated  that  healthcare  providers  will  and savings rates in our country. We observed that even after a
     place greater emphasis on telehealth applications, and demand  major disaster like an earthquake, the insurance coverage rate
     for telehealth services, where patients receive support via online  quickly dropped below last year’s level within two months.  Keeping
     platforms, will continue to grow.                       the necessity and importance of insurance and savings constantly
                                                             on  the  national  agenda  and  ensuring  effective  communication
     In this context, it is expected that health insurance will continue  are the top priorities of our Union. We are committed to acting
     to develop through both new products and services, as well as the  with social responsibility, particularly with the support of our
     supplementary  and  private  health  insurance  currently  offered.  economic press, to provide accurate information to the public.
     It is anticipated that both supplementary health insurance and
     private health insurance will continue to grow, driven by the  On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that global insurance
     interest of their respective target audiences.          giants have investments in our country's insurance sector today.
                                                             These major companies continue to maintain the same enthusiasm
     As  is  known,  supplementary  health  insurance  is  a  type  of  and confidence in our country’s economy and future as they did
     insurance purchased to extend the coverage of the existing public  on  the  first  day  of  their  investment.  Additionally,  interest  in
     health insurance (General Health Insurance). This insurance is  investing in our sector remains high among both domestic and
     used to cover healthcare costs that are only partially covered by  foreign investors.
     public health insurance. Efforts have begun to include university
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