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        The insurance that best understands pet owners from Aksigorta: Aksigorta Pati Plus


        Aksigorta, with its Aksigorta Pati Plus VetAmerican product
        developed for furry friends, continues to stand by pet owners
        by securing the urgent health needs of pets while offering
        various advantages.

        Continuing to develop its products and services with a new
        generation  insurance  approach,  Aksigorta  has  added  the
        “Aksigorta Pati Plus VetAmerikan” insurance to its existing
        Pati and Pati Plus products, which were created based on the
        needs of furry friends. The Aksigorta Pati Plus VetAmerikan
        pet  health  insurance  product  offers  coverage  ranging  from
        25,000 TL to 150,000 TL, providing the highest outpatient
        and inpatient treatment limits in the industry for cats and
        dogs. This product is valid at VetAmerikan Animal Hospital
        in  Istanbul,  allowing  pets  to  receive  treatment  at  Turkey’s  better  services  to  our  patients.  Through  our  collaboration
        largest and most comprehensive private animal hospital and  with Aksigorta, we aim to offer the most comprehensive and
        benefit from the advantages of Pati Plus VetAmerikan.   high-quality healthcare services to pet owners at VetAmerikan
                                                              Animal  Hospital.  The  Aksigorta  Pati  Plus  VetAmerikan
        VetAmerikan  Animal  Hospital  offers  a  separate  entrance,  insurance will play an important role in meeting the needs of
        customized examination areas, and patient services for cats  our furry friends. I believe this service, designed to minimize
        and  dogs,  preventing  potential  discomfort  that  could  arise  the  challenges  faced  by  pet  owners  and  make  their  lives
        from pets encountering each other. This ensures not only the  easier,  will  meet  the  expectations  of  animal  lovers.  With
        health but also the comfort of the pets, providing a prioritized  this partnership, we will increase access to the high-quality
        experience.                                           services  provided  by  VetAmerikan  Animal  Hospital  and
                                                              contribute to ensuring that pets live healthy and happy lives.”
        Aksigorta  Pati  Plus  VetAmerikan  provides  all  kinds  of
        information and support to policyholders, especially those  Comprehensive Coverage
        who  are  first-time  pet  owners,  standing  by  pet  lovers  on
        their enjoyable journey with their furry friends. This product,  Pati  Plus  VetAmerikan,  offering  the  highest  coverage
        which can meet all the needs of pet owners not just during  limits in the industry, provides not only treatment costs for
        illness, distinguishes itself in its sector by offering the most  emergencies and illnesses that pets might experience—such
        comprehensive additional service package.             as examination, surgery, medication, imaging, and laboratory
                                                              tests—but also free additional services like check-ups, annual
        The insurance that best understands pet owners        routine vaccinations, therapeutic food, and care for eyes, ears,
                                                              teeth, and nail trimming. As the only pet insurance covering
        Tolga  Tezbaşaran,  Deputy  General  Manager  of  Aksigorta,  birth and neutering treatments, as well as pet ambulance
        states that half of pet owners are unaware of pet insurance,  and  on-site  vaccination  services,  Pati  Plus  VetAmerikan
        and  the  ownership  rate  of  this  insurance  remains  at  13%.  stands by animal lovers on their enjoyable journey with their
        Tezbaşaran says, “Research shows that people who do not get  furry friends. This product, which can meet all the needs of
        pet insurance generally believe that these products do not meet  pet owners not just during illness, distinguishes itself in its
        all of a pet’s needs, do not provide value for the price, and  sector by offering the most comprehensive additional service
        that their furry friends do not need such insurance. However,  package.
        our  pets,  whom  we  cherish  as  much  as  our  own  lives,  are
        exposed to a variety of illnesses and conditions far more than  Aksigorta,  with  the  vision  of  being  the  insurance  that  best
        we  might  think.  At  this  point,  insurance  offers  advantages  understands  pet  owners,  also  aims  to  support  pet  owners
        for unforeseen expenses, helping you be prepared for every  through the challenges they may face during this process by
        unexpected  situation.  As  Aksigorta,  we  are  expanding  our  offering  online  psychological  counseling  services  with  this
        Pati  family  with  our  Pati  Plus  VetAmerican  product,”  product.
        emphasizing that this specially developed product will be the
        insurance that best understands pet owners.           In  addition,  Pati  Plus  VetAmerikan  Insurance  holders  can
                                                              benefit from discounts on pet shop services, pet transportation,
        Dr.  Erhan  Bulutcu,  CEO  of  Koç  Healthcare  (Vehbi  Koç  pet accommodation, and pet grooming at VetAmerikan Animal
        Foundation Health Institutions), stated, “Pets have become  Hospital.  The  policy  also  covers  emergencies  and  illnesses
        a part of our family, and their health is of great importance  such as traffic accidents, falls from heights, poisoning, acute
        to us. In this context, just as in the entire healthcare sector,  allergic reactions, fainting, loss of consciousness, coma, eye
        we place great importance on collaborations with insurance  problems,  insect  bites,  diarrhea  and  vomiting  lasting  more
        companies  and  carry  out  comprehensive  work  to  provide  than 24 hours, cancer treatment, and skin diseases.
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