Page 3 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 3

Dear Readers,

        For  the  July  issue  of  Turkinsurance,  we  have  pre-  this period, the largest increase in premium production was
        pared an issue full of news, articles, analyses and research-  observed in the fire and natural disasters and health sectors,
        es to shed light on Turkish insurance and pension markets.    while liability insurance and health insurance were the sec-
                                                             tors with the most significant growth.
        In recent years, as digital transformation in the insurance
        sector has rapidly advanced, interest in insurtech (insurance  By the end of the second quarter of 2024, the increase in
        technology)  has  also  been  steadily  increasing.  Insurtech  is  both the total number of participants and fund amount in
        defined as an approach that combines technology and inno-  the Individual Pension System (BES) outpaced the previous
        vation  to  enhance  the  operational  processes  and  customer  period’s growth. During this period, the number of BES par-
        experience  of  insurance  companies.  The  necessity  for  digi-  ticipants increased by 11.53% compared to the same period
        talization and remote service delivery, especially during the  last year, and the number of participants enrolled through
        pandemic, has encouraged insurance companies to turn to-  automatic participation rose by 8.79%. The total fund size
        wards  technology.  Globally,  insurtech  ventures  are  making  in BES increased by 79.87% compared to the same month
        waves with their innovative products and services, prompting  of the previous year, reaching 839 billion 349 million TL,
        traditional insurance companies to seek digital solutions to  while the OKS fund amount grew by 81.09% to 67 billion
        remain competitive.                                  982 million TL.

        In the first quarter of the year, total premium production  Hope to meet with the next issue
        in  the  insurance  sector  increased  by  91.78%  compared  to
        the same period last year, reaching 199.2 billion TL. During  Your sincerely
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