Page 3 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 3

Dear Readers,

        For  the  May  issue  of  Turkinsurance,  we  have  prepared  an  levels of education in the sector, excluding direct sales per-
        issue full of news, articles, analyses and researches to shed  sonnel, the number of employees who have graduated from
        light on Turkish insurance and pension markets.      insurance  or  actuarial  science  departments  is  1,914.  The
                                                             sector contributes to youth employment by launching various
        At the end of the first quarter of 2024, the total number of  projects to increase young employment and attract them to
        participants in the Private Pension System was 8 million 931  relevant educational departments.
        thousand people, while the number of participants included in
        the system through automatic participation turned out to be  According to the Global Natural Disasters Report published
        9 million 311 thousand people. During this period, while the  by Aon, total economic losses due to significant disasters in
        number of participants in the Private Pension System (BES)  the first quarter of 2024 exceeded $45 billion, with global
        showed an increase compared to the previous year, there was  insurance losses estimated to reach at least $17 billion.
        a decrease in the number of participants in the Individual
        Retirement System (OKS). The total fund size in BES was  Artificial intelligence and data analytics, mobile applications
        observed to be 745 billion 95 million TL, while the OKS fund  and self-services, blockchain technology and smart contracts,
        amount was 57 billion 685 million TL.                the internet of things and telematics, digital customer expe-
                                                             rience  and  personalization,  online  claims  management  and
        According to end-of-year 2023 data, a total of 25,719 people  fast transaction insurance are the prominent developments
        are employed in insurance, individual pension, and reinsur-  that  come  to  mind  when  we  talk  about  digitization  in  the
        ance companies in Turkey, including direct sales personnel.  insurance sector.
        In the sector where female employees are more predominant,
        it is seen that 67 percent of the personnel are university grad-  Hope to meet with the next issue
        uates and 12 percent are graduate graduates. Considering all  Your sincerely
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