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30 country profile

          GDP - composition, by sector of origin:                        Age structure in Poland


                                                                                                   0-14 years
                                       40,2%                                           9,80%       15-24 years
                                                                                                   25-54 years
                     57,4%                                      13,32%
                                                                                                   55-64 years
                                                                                                   65 years and over


                    agriculture  industry  services

      lead, silver and amber deposits in Katowice. Brown coal, rock salt,  The 6th largest economy of European Union
      natural gas and copper are also produced in the country. Poland  While the import volume of the country is known as 364.9 billion
      which meets its oil and iron need from other countries is a devel-  dollars, export volume has reached 394.8 billion dollars. 37.8 per
      oped industrial country. Iron-steel, machine, transportation vehi-  cent of the exported goods is machinery and transportation equip-
      cles, chemical agents, cotton weaving, paper, metal products and  ments, 23.7 per cent is intermediate goods, 17.1 per cent is various
      household electrical appliances are also produced. While softwood  manufactured goods and 7.6 per cent is food and livestock. Export
      produced from forests is exported, fishery industry makes a great  partners of the country are Germany, Czech Republic, UK, France
      contribution to the national economy. There are shipbuilding and  and Italy. The significant import goods are machinery and trans-
      ship repair facilities in Gdansk.                       portation equipments, intermediate goods, chemicals, minerals,
                                                              fuel oils. Countries in the import partnership are Germany, China,
      Unemployment rate of the country increased to 9.9 percent  the Netherlands, Italy.
      It is known that, in Poland, the reforms made in health, education,
      pension system and state government has caused burden on state  Estimated foreign exchange and gold reserve is 113.3 billion dol-
      budget more than expected. Labor force of Poland with a popula-  lars in 2017 and external loan reached 351.7 billion dollars as of
      tion of 38 million 185 thousand 913 is 17.6 million. Unemploy-  2019. In Poland which has the 6th largest economy in European
      ment rate is 9.9 percent. The per capita gross domestic product in  Union, the nation saves on 20 per cent of gross domestic product.
      Poland is 33,221 $. The real growth rate of gross domestic product  Significant industries of the country include machinery production,
      is 4.55 percent. More than 60 per cent of the total population con-  iron and steel, coal mining, chemicals, shipbuilding, food process-
      stitutes urban population. Life expectancy in the country is 78.5  ing, glass, beverages and textile. 57.4 per cent of the gross domes-
      years on average. The literacy rate of the total population over the  tic product is service sector, 40.2 per cent is industrial sector, and
      age of 15 in the country is known as 99.8 percent.      2.4 per cent is agriculture.

                                       Insurance premiums  (billions of USD)

              6,4                        6,6                             6,3                       6,4
                                                                   5,8                       5,7
                    4,9                                                       4,5                        5,1

                   2016                       2017                      2018                      2019
                                   Life premiums  Motor insurance premiums  Non-life premiums
   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35