Page 27 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 27


            Average monthly returns of pension mutual funds against alternative investment

                                                 instruments (%)

                    Borrowing Instruments                           0,72
                       Fund Basket Funds                            0,72
                                 Stock        0,16
                    Mixed & Flexible Funds     0,19
                       Participation Funds                 0,48
                         Precious Metals                                    0,92
                          Money market                              0,73
                          CBRT US Dollar                                                        1,44
                              CBRT Euro                                           1,06
                               BIST 100  -0,63
                     Consumer Price Index                          0,68
                      Producer Price Index                                                                1,69
                     BIST - Gold - TL/Gram                                  0,92
        KYD 1-Month Indicator Deposit Index TL                      0,72

     In the first half of 2020, equity funds were the least profitable  average monthly return of 0.92 percent against alternative in-
     pension  fund  with  a  return  rate  of  1.52  per  cent.  That  hasn't  vestment  instruments,  while  participation  funds  0.48  percent,
     changed in the first half of 2021. Equity funds were the least  debt instrument funds 0.72 percent, mixed&flexible funds 0.19
     profitable group of funds in the first half of the year, with a yield  percent, fund basket funds 0. 72, money market funds 0.73%
     of 1.60 per cent. Stock fund occupancy reached 1.34 percent in  and stock funds 0.16%.
     January, 1.37 percent in February, 1.38 percent in March, 1.37
     percent in April, 1.38 percent in May and 1.34 percent in June.  In this period, the first half return of BIST – Gold-TL/Gram is
                                                              8.78 percent, the return percentage of the CBRT Euro is 15.06,
     Performance of pension mutual funds versus alternative   the return percentage of the CBRT US Dollar is 18.59, the pro-
     investment instruments measured                          ducer price index is 22.04, the consumer price index is 8.45 and
                                                              the rate of return of the KYD 1-month benchmark deposit index
     In the first half of the year, precious metals funds provided an   TL is 8.32.

                     Comparison of total returns of pension mutual funds against alternative investment

                                                       instruments by years (%)

                                                 9,06                                           8,78

                                                              18,59  15,06
                9,36  8,65                5,81   34,51                                   22,04  35,59
               10,24  5,93   1,52   1,72  13,86         8,39  15,20  15,36  -8,15  8,45  6,15         16,39  8,32
               Fund Basket Funds
                                                                                             BIST - Gold - USD/Ons
                                                                                Producer Price Index
      Borrowing Instruments  Mixed & Flexible Funds  Precious Metals Money market CBRT US Dollar  CBRT Euro  Consumer Price Index  BIST - Gold - TL/Gram
                                  Participation Funds
                                                                         BIST 100
                                                                                           KYD 1-Month Indicator Deposit Index TL
                                                   2020 first half  2021 first half
   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32