Page 31 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 31


             Split of direct gross premiums in the non-life segment, by
                                    class of insurance, in 2019

                                  7%                                                 Motor Vehicle Insurance
                                                                                     Marine, Aviation And Other
                                                                                     Fire And Other Property Damage
                                                                                     Pecuniary Loss Insurance

                           18%                      60%                              General Liability Insurance
                                                                                     Accident And Health
                                1%                                                   Other

      Most of the population is between the ages of 25-54     billion 538 million USD in 2015 and 17 billion 412 million USD
      43.33 per cent of the population is between the ages of 25-54 in  in 2014. Motor branch, an important branch in the production of
      Poland. The second age segment is 65 and over with the rate of  Polish insurance pirim, produced 6.4 billion premiums in 2019. In
      18.72 per cent. 14.83 of the population consists of individuals be-  2019, premium production in the life branch increased from USD
      tween the ages of 0-14, 13.32 per cent is 55-64 and 9.8 per cent  5.7 billion to 5.1 billion USD in the non-life branch. In 2018, the
      is 15-24.                                               country's motor industry production was 6.3 billion USD, while life
                                                              industry production was 5.8 billion USD and non-life production
      59 insurance companies operating in Poland              was 4.5 billion USD.
      When we look at the activities of Poland in the insurance sector, we
      observe that 59 companies copntinue their activities in the market  Poland recorded a 4.2% increase in non-life compensation pay-
      as of 2019. In the country there were 60 active companies in 2012  ments in 2019. Considering the distribution of direct gross pre-
      and 58 active companies in 2013. While the number of the compa-  miums in the non-life segment by insurance class in 2019, motor
      nies operating in the market fell to 57 in 2014, it increased again  branch has 59.6%, marine and air Branch 1%, fire and damage
      to 61 in 2016. The number of the insurance companies operating in  branch 18.3%, property damage branch 4.80%, general liability
      the market has reached 61 in 2016 and 2017. In 2018, this figure  Branch 6%, Health Branch 6.80% and other branches 3.5% pre-
      fell to 60, while in 2019 it fell to 59.                mium.

      Motor branch achieved 59% of total premium production   Poland, which is the 14th country with the highest premium pro-
      At the end of 2019, Polish insurance premium production exceeded  duction among European countries in 2018, produced 17.2 billion
      17.2 billion USD. In the country where premium production was  dollars in premium production according to OECD data. In 2019,
      17 billion 211 million USD in 2018, 16 billion 494 million USD in  33% of the total written gross premiums in Poland came from life
      2017 and 14 billion 213 million USD in 2016, this amount was 4  insurance and 67% from non-life insurance.

              Total claims and benefits paid                         Insurance premium production per
                      (millions of USD)                                           capita (USD)

                                                                  453                                         436
                            10.813     11.329    11.112                                            420
        9.536     9.971                                                      372        361

        2015       2016      2017       2018      2019

                                                                 2014       2015       2016        2017       2018
   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36