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     Date: Sunday, May 30, 2021 ~ Tuesday, November 30, 2021
     Event with Indefinite Date
     Location: Online Events

     British  Council’s  innovative  online  exhibition  platform’  Muse-
     um Without Walls ‘ opens its fifth exhibition: ‘Rahat Hissediy-
     or Musun?’ (Do You Feel Comfortable) The exhibition explores
     what it means to feel at home within ourselves or where we live,
     while looking closely at the female experience, family and our
     planet. Curated by Rita Aktay representing Turkey and Ritika   sented the exhibition. Simultaneous Turkish translation, English
     Biswas representing the United Kingdom, the digital exhibition   and Turkish Sign Language translation were provided through-
     will be open to everyone on the website http://exhibitions.british-  out the event. from 27 May.
                                                              An innovative experience offering different cruise routes.
     The British Council opened the fifth exhibition titled ‘Do you feel
     comfortable?’  hosted  by  its  award-winning  platform  ‘Museum   For the first time, the fifth exhibition of the Museum Without
     Without Walls’ on May 27, 2021 at 16.00. In the curator team   Walls,  “Do  you  feel  comfortable?”  offers  the  visitor  multiple
     of Rita Aktay from Turkey and Ritika Biswas from the Unit-  routes, creating an innovative experience. By choosing different
     ed Kingdom, the exhibition allows us to approach gender issues   emojis,  visitors  can  choose  which  artwork  will  be  included  in
     from a new perspective by examining what it means to feel at   their journey, each time setting a different cruise route.
     home, either inside ourselves or where we live. This is the fifth
     exhibition held on the museum platform without walls, which has   The exhibition brings together the works of the British Council
     so far reached nearly a million visitors. Selected works and art-  Collection with the works of international artists.
     ists from the British Council Collection, which houses selected
     works, are accompanied by contemporary international artists.  Participating artists (in alphabetical order) Sharon Aivaliotis,
                                                              Shirley Baker, Ursula Biemann, Elif Biradlı, Flo Brooks, Chila
     Approaching to social issues like gender from a new per-  Kumari Burman, Helen Chadwick, Jayashree Chakravarty, Tac-
     spective.                                                ita Dean, Rohini Devasher, Suki Dhanda, Ayçesu Duran, Anna
                                                              Fox,  Lubaina  Himid,  Siobhan  Hapaska,  Jun  Hasegawa,  Sibel
     The innovative digital exhibition, organised by the British Coun-  Horada, Shirazeh Houshiary, Delaine Le Bas, Clare Leighton,
     cil, brings together international artists who think about a va-  Goshka  Macuga,  Paula  Rego,  See  Red  Women’s  Workshop,
     riety  of  social  issues,  including  gender,  using  their  creativity.   Charlotte Schmitz, Eda Sütunç, Madame Yevonde, Zadie Xa.
     The curators state that “the exhibition treats the female body,
     family, and our planet as spaces that concern, think, and unite   A digital exhibition that crosses barriers.
     us. This dreamy journey, where joy and grief can co-exist, offers
     a journey between moments of crisis and both emotional and   ‘Do you feel comfortable?’ allows visitors to visit the exhibition
     political  projections  of  attentive  behavior,  survival  effort  and   at any speed and without any time limit or physical restrictions.
     decisiveness. Especially in these days, when we feel the anxiety
     of the global pandemic growing, we share the dreams of com-  According  to  the  Ministry  of  Family  and  Social  Policy,  more
     monality, survival together and taking good care of nature as   than 2 million men and more than 2.8 million women are dis-
     well as people.                                          abled in Turkey. 15% of the world’s population is made up of
                                                              disabled people.
     The opening event of the exhibition promotes intercultural dia-  According to a study by the British Council, internet usage rates
     logue.                                                   in Turkey are 84% among 16-24 years old and 79% among 25-
     The creative team, representing the UK and Turkey, will meet   34 years old; however, 27% of people with disabilities have nev-
     decisively at the inaugural event to discuss the issues the exhibi-  er used the internet. The exhibition presents detailed written and
     tion addresses. The event was broadcast live on the British Coun-  audio-visual  information  about  each  of  the  works  and  artists,
     cil Turkey’s YouTube channel on May 27. British Council Tur-  supported by features that facilitate access such as audio de-
     key Art Director Su Başbuğu moderated the event, while British   scription, Turkish and English Sign Language, use of contrast-
     Council Art Director Skinder Hundal shared his opinions on the   ing colors and enriched text that work in harmony with screen
     exhibition and the British Council’s global art programme. The   readers. It is possible to reach the exhibition with a single click
     curators of the exhibition, Rita Aktay and Ritika Biswas, pre-  at
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