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34 Events


     Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2020 ~ Thursday, October 21, 2021
     Location: Pera Museum

     Pera Museum's highly anticipated new exhibition “Miniature 2.0: Miniature in Contemporary Art” has been opened to visit. Bringing
     together works that offer a new look at miniature, the exhibition questions ‘current miniature ' and its dynamics, which artists from differ-
     ent geographies deconstruct into a living art form belonging to the present day in various forms, from sculpture to video, from textiles to
     placement. “Miniature 2.0” exhibition, which problematizes issues such as colonialism, orientalism, economic inequality, gender, identity
     politics, discrimination, social violence, forced migration, representation, can be visited at Pera Museum between 11 August 2020 and 17
     January 2021.

     Suna and Inan Kıraç Foundation Pera Museum brought together a new exhibition with more art lovers during the pandemic period. The
     exhibition “Miniature 2.0: Miniature in Contemporary Art”, curated by Azra Tüzünoğlu and Gülce Özkara, brings together more than 40
     works by 14 artists from different geographies such as Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan.

     The artists of the exhibition include important artists such as Hamra Abbas, Rashad Alakbarov, Khalil Altindere, Dana Awartani, Ferey-
     doun Ave, Decan, Noor Ali Chagani, Cansu Cakar, Hayv Kahraman, Imran Qureshi, Nilima Sheikh, Shahpour Pouyan, Shahzia Sikander
     and Saira Wasim.

     Azra Tüzünoğlu and Gülce Özkara point out that miniature from sculpture to video, textile to placement has gained a theoretical potential
     for the re-creation of miniature today and outline that the aim of the exhibition is to " remove miniature from view only as a historical
     object, treat it as a unique art form and highlight its theoretical potential”. Curators share the following information about the framework
     of the exhibition: “In this exhibition, which juxtaposes works based on miniature, we aimed to reveal different approaches to miniature
     and the principles they share. What the artists in the exhibition have in common is that they look at the world through miniatures. Artists
     who remove and size miniature from the books in which it has been inhabited for centuries by various methods, from sculpture to video,
     from photography to placement, are exploring how this practice can live in today's world. (…) The works in the exhibition advocate action
     in the face of nostalgia that freezes the miniature in time and tears it out of its cultural context. As discourses that yearn for a false past
     multiply today, perhaps the past needs to be problematized for a better future and now. These local discourses, which have an impact on
     the global level, today reveal the urgency of intercultural and international thinking. As we observe forms of creative resistance in many
     parts of the world, our view of the world needs to be updated, just as miniature has been updated.
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