Page 18 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 18

18 cover story

       In the first quarter of 2024,

       natural disasters caused a $45

       billion economic loss

      According to the Global Natural Disasters Report published by Aon, total economic

      losses due to significant disasters in the first quarter of 2024 exceeded $45 billion,
      with global insurance losses estimated to reach at least $17 billion.

     The first quarter of 2024 saw several notable disaster events, which  severe convective and winter storms in the United States, as well as
     drove total year-to-date economic losses above $45 billion. This was  windstorms and flooding in Europe, and the earthquake in Japan.
     lower than the 21st-century Q1 average of $59 billion and signifi-  It is worth noting that these estimates are expected to evolve and
     cantly lower than losses in the first quarter of 2023 ($149 billion).  should be considered preliminary. The insurance protection gap for
     The costliest event of the first three months was the Noto Earth-  the first quarter can be estimated at 64 percent. While earthquake
     quake in Japan, which occurred on the very first day of the year and  became the costliest peril of the first quarter from the economic loss
     resulted in economic losses of $17.6 billion, according to govern-  perspective as a consequence of the Noto event in Japan, severe con-
     mental estimates. Insured losses reached at least $17 billion and  vective storms and winter storms drove insured losses due to higher
     were slightly above the average. Among the major loss drivers were  insurance coverage of such events, particularly in the United States.
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