Page 17 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
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           Artificial intelligence and data analytics, mobile applications and self-services, blockchain
           technology and smart contracts, the internet of things and telematics, digital customer
           experience and personalization, online claims management and fast transaction insurance are
           the prominent developments that come to mind when we talk about digitization in the insurance

           Digitization will be at the forefront of the  With the integration of these technolo-  we have observed that technological de-
           insurance sector’s agenda in 2025.  gies, insurance companies can establish  velopments in roadside assistance services
                                               more efficient business processes, provide  have provided the opportunity for automa-
           New digital platforms, ecosystems, and  better service to customers, and develop  tion in the services we offer in traffic and
           digital distribution channels have intro-  more accurate pricing strategies.  insurance policies. With our AI employee,
           duced innovative insurance products and                                 Remy, we have developed a process that
           services into our lives. However, this de-  In  2025,  innovations  in  the  internet  of  coordinates data such as determining the
           velopmental  process varies  across  each  things, big data, and robotics technologies  location of the vehicle in case of break-
           insurance  organization,  and  can  rapidly  are predicted to contribute $3.2 trillion to  down or accident and directing the nearest
           modernize and progress.             the insurance industry. These technologies  tow truck. We have successfully complet-
                                               will enable an increase in data sources and  ed the initial phase of these efforts. Remy,
           The  digitization  of  assistance  services  analytical power, paving the way for new  along with Remed Assistance’s live oper-
           also  plays a  significant role  in this ad-  capabilities such as event and usage-based  ators, seamlessly manages the tow truck
           vancement.  Technological  developments  insurance models and real-time pricing.  organization for vehicles. Going forward,
           are  making  roadside  assistance  services  Kemal  Baykan,  Deputy  General  Manag-  we will further enhance Remy by imple-
           more efficient, customer-friendly, and da-  er of Remed Assistance, evaluating tech-  menting a direct customer application and
           ta-driven. Kemal Baykan, Deputy General  nological advancements in the insurance  integrating Remy into business processes,
           Manager  of  Remed  Assistance,  empha-  sector,  stated,  “Processing  and  utilizing  including  travel  assistance  services.  We
           sizes the crucial role played by the com-  digital data, including detailed data from  plan to utilize Remy in various areas to
           pany’s  first  AI  employee,  Remy,  in  the  various sources, including wearable de-  streamline our workflows and achieve op-
           digitization process of roadside assistance  vices, will enable more comprehensive  erational efficiency.”
           services, and expresses their intention to  insurance  processes.  Developments  show
           accelerate digitization efforts in this area.  that operational improvements in insur-
           In  his  statement  on  the  matter,  Baykan  ance  processes  aimed  at  a  3-8  percent-
           said, “With technological advancements,  age point decrease in insurers’ loss ratios
           speed, and instant access to data have  are significant. Additionally, the industry
           become critical factors for the success  is progressing towards broader adoption
           of  modern  insurance  companies.  In  this  of similar scenarios applicable within in-
           competitive environment, the ability of in-  surance products, with data inputs from
           surance companies to effectively manage  smart home sensors, vehicle telematics
           their platforms, make update plans, and  data, factory and warehouse sensors, and
           rapidly launch innovative products, stands  an increasing number of devices with IoT
           among the key factors determining their  technology.”
           success.  To  respond  to  rapidly  changing
           customer  demands  and  adapt  to  market   Digitalization will also be
           changes, companies need to lead in flex-  prominent in assistance
           ibility  and  innovation.  Therefore,  effec-
           tively utilizing technology to optimize op- services
           erational processes and enhance customer
           experience is one of the top priorities in  Technology  is  revolutionizing  roadside
           today’s insurance sector.”          assistance  services,  making  services  and
                                               processes more efficient, customer-friend-
           We may see a decrease in            ly, and data-driven. As the industry adapts
           insurers’ loss ratios               to these changes, we can anticipate that
                                               drivers may expect more reliable roadside
                                               assistance services when needed.
           Expected trends in the insurance sector in
           2025, such as artificial intelligence, open   Kemal Baykan, Deputy General Manager
           finance,  blockchain,  and  the  internet  of   of  Remed  Assistance,  discussing  techno-
           things, could offer significant opportuni-  logical advancements in roadside assis-
           ties  for  all  stakeholders  in  the  industry.   tance services, stated, “In recent years,
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