Page 27 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 27


     Humayun (Greeting), Muayede Hall (Ceremonial Hall), Harem-i
     Humayun.  It is located in the most beautiful part of the Bosphorus
     of Istanbul and fascinates those who see it in its glory.

     Istanbul - Yıldız Palace
     It was built by Mihrişah Sultan, the mother of Sultan Selim III.
     The Great Mabeyn Pavilion, Malta Pavilion and Çadır Pavilion
     located inside the palace are also among the magnificent mansions
     worth  seeing.  Located  in  Beşiktaş,  Yıldız  Palace  dominates  the
     Bosphorus. It is one of the places that is definitely worth visiting
     when you come to Istanbul.

     Istanbul - Çırağan Palace
     It is located between Beşiktaş and Ortaköy, overlooking the Bos-  Istanbul - Yıldız Palace
     phorus.  Çırağan Palace was known for the beauty of the vineyards
     and gardens where it was located at the time.  It was built by the
     grand vizier of the Tulip Era, Damat İbrahim Pasha and Fatima
     Sultan. It is a palace that fascinates those who see it in its splendor
     when you come to Istanbul.
     Istanbul - Beylerbeyi Palace
     It was built between 1863-1865. It was used as a summer resi-
     dence of sultans during the Ottoman period. It is one of the Private
     Gardens of the Sultans during the Ottoman period. It is one of the
     most magnificent palaces with its architectural structure.

     İstanbul – Khedive’s Palace
     Khedive’s Palace and Grove, located between Çubuklu and Kanlıca
     districts, are also among the most magnificent places in Istanbul.
     It was built in 1907 by Abbas Hilmi Pasha, the last Khedive of the   Istanbul - Çırağan Palace
     Ottoman period.  It is a peaceful and green place. When you come
     to this region, you should definitely visit the Khedive Pavilion.

     İstanbul – Küçüksu Pavilion
     The palace was used during the reigns of Selim III and Mahmud II.
     Sultan Abdulmecid had the old and wooden structure demolished.
     He had the present-day Küçüksu Pavilion built in its place. The
     structure, which was completed in 1857, has three floors. You can
     visit it when you come to Istanbul.

     İstanbul – Ihlamur Palace
     The interior decorations of the palace were made in accordance
     with the western concept of decoration. European-style furniture
     and upholstery ensure integrity. It is named after the centuries-old
     linden trees in its garden. It is one of the places that fascinates with
     the decency of Istanbul.

     İstanbul – Yıldız Şale Palace
     Yıldız Şale Palace is located between Beşiktaş, Ortaköy and Bal-
     mumcu. Its settlement dates back to the Byzantine Empire. It is
     the fourth administrative center of the Ottoman Empire after the
     Eski Palace, Topkapı Palace and Dolmabahçe Palace. It is among   İstanbul – Yıldız Şale Palace
     the places worth seeing.
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