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        An Exhibition Befitting Ankara: Yaşasın Cumhuriyet!

        (Long Live the Republic!)
        Dates: Friday, July 21, 2023 ~ Tuesday, October 31, 2023

        Place: “Economic Independence Museum” (Türkiye İş Bankası

        İktisadi Bağımsızlık Müzesi)

        On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of our Republic, the exhibition ti-
        tled “Long Live the Republic! The First Steps of Economic Independence
        in the Atatürk Era” opened simultaneously at the Turkey İş Bankası Eco-
        nomic Independence Museum in Ankara Ulus and the Turkey İş Bankası
        Museum in Istanbul, following its initial debut in Istanbul. The exhibition
        received considerable attention in a short period.

        While the “Long Live the Republic” exhibition in Ankara shares simi-
        larities in terms of concept, design, and richness with the exhibition in
        Istanbul, it presents notable differences in terms of the original documents
        and objects on display. In the Ankara exhibition, a special section is ded-
        icated to the planned growth of the capital city and the enrichment of its social life, narrated through films and photographs.  At
        the groundbreaking ceremony of Şişecam, one of the giants in the global glass industry today, there are mementos, early bottle
        samples, and photographs of factory workers on display in the “Long Live the Republic!” exhibition. It allows us to witness an era.
        One of the noteworthy pieces in the ongoing exhibition at the Economic Independence Museum is an elegant blue sugar bowl, one
        of the first special productions of Paşabahçe Bottle and Glass Factory, which was presented to Atatürk and the leading figures of
        the time.

        Çağdaş Erçelik – Hayalbaz (Stargazer) Sculpture Exhibition
        Dates: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 ~ Thursday, November 09, 2023

        Place: Galeri Selvin

        Çağdaş Erçelik, born in İzmir in 1983, completed his undergraduate studies in the Sculpture Department of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts Univer-
        sity in 2005. Afterward, he completed his master’s and doctoral studies in the same department. Erçelik, who has participated in numerous
        group exhibitions and symposiums both domestically and internationally, has received several awards:
        2005 - 3  Prize in the Mimar Sinan University Sabancı Awards
        2007 - 3  Prize in the Erzurum Snow Sculpture Symposium
        2007 - Achievement Award in the Kemal Türkler Monumental Sculpture Competition
        2007 - Achievement Award in the HSBC Bank Sculpture Competition
        2011 - 2  Prize in the Beşiktaş Rotary Club Piri Reis Monument Competition
        2011 - Honorable Mention in the Kartal Municipality “Kazım from Kartal Monument Competition”
        2012 - Award in the Istanbul Rotary Club Competition
        2022 - 2  Prize in the Istanbul Gülhane Park Mihri Müşfik Monument Competition.
        The artist has the following to say about their new exhibition titled “Hayalbaz” (Stargazer):
        “I thought of this exhibition as if keeping a diary. I decided to create sculptures of
        the memories and dreams that roam among the city I live in, the streets I walk, the
        studio I work in, and the people I encounter.
        Just like a landscape painter observes the scenery, I spent long hours in front of
        blank A4 papers, recalling all these peculiarities that have happened to me. Through
        the sketches I began to draw, I felt as if the rapidly flowing life was slowing down
        and becoming clearer, allowing me to try to understand it better.
        The old Karagöz masters were called “hayalbaz” (stargazer). These sculptures tell
        stories about the very personal world of the “hayalbaz” (stargazer).
        You can see Çağdaş Erçelik’s sculpture exhibition titled “Hayalbaz” (Stargazer) at
        Galeri Selvin Arnavutköy from October 11  to November 9 .
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