Page 24 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 24

24 pension outlook

          2.373.812   Number of BES participants by company (2023 second quarter)

                 1.339.349  1.293.997

                                897.116  762.628

                                               256.021  235.812  193.403  108.176  91.549  82.786  53.694  43.179  40.621  33.809

       Türkiye  Anadolu  Garanti  Allianz  AgeSA  NN Hayat  Metlife  BNP  HDI Fiba  Allianz  Bereket QNB Sağlık Katılım  Axa Hayat Viennalife
      Hayat ve  Hayat  Emeklilik Yaşam ve Hayat ve  ve  Emeklilik  Paribas  Emeklilik  Hayat ve  Emeklilik  Hayat  Emeklilik  ve  Emeklilik
      Emeklilik  Emeklilik  ve Hayat Emeklilik  Emeklilik  Emeklilik  ve Hayat  Cardif  ve Hayat Emeklilik  ve Hayat Sigorta ve ve Hayat Emeklilik  ve Hayat
        A.Ş.   A.Ş.    A.Ş.   A.Ş.   A.Ş.    A.Ş.   A.Ş.  Emeklilik  A.Ş.  A.Ş.  A.Ş.  Emeklilik  A.Ş.  A.Ş.   A.Ş.
                                                           A.Ş.                          A.Ş.

     At the end of the second quarter of the year, the total fund size in  and the amount of the OKS state contribution fund amounted to
     BES increased by 88.29 percent compared to the same period last  2 billion 430 million TL. At the end of the of the second quarter,
     year and amounted to 466 billion 637 million TL, while the fund  Türkiye Hayat ve Emeklilik maintained its leadership in the total
     size of participants who were in the system with automatic partici-  number of participants in the BES as in previous periods. In this pe-
     pation increased by 83.7% over the same period and amounted to  riod, the total number of participants of the company was seen as 2
     37 billion 541 million TL.                              million 373 thousand people, while the company had 28.97% of the
                                                             total number of participants. Anadolu Hayat ve Emeklilik took the
     “With the number of 2 million 373 thousand par-         second place in this period with a share of 1 million 339 thousand
     ticipants in BES, Turkey Hayat Emeklilik contin-        participants and a number of participants of 16.34%, while Garanti
                                                             Emeklilik ve Hayat took the third place with a share of 1 million
     ued to lead”                                            293 thousand participants and a participant of 15.79%.

     At the end of the second quarter, the number of participants who  The company with the highest number of participants included in the
     retired from the BES was 235 thousand people, and the amount of  system through automatic enrollment was Türkiye Hayat ve Eme-
     the BES state contribution fund was 60 billion TL. However, the  klilik A.Ş. with 2 million 484 thousand participants and a market
     number of OKS employers turned out to be 254 thousand people,  share of 28.57%. Garanti Emeklilik ve Hayat ranked second with

                      Number of OKS participants by company (2023 second quarter)



                                                  339.504  328.551  281.650  281.528
                                                                                    141.663  133.032
                                                                                                     23.468    1
        Türkiye Hayat  Garanti  Anadolu  AgeSA Hayat Allianz Yaşam  HDI Fiba  Katılım  BNP Paribas  Metlife  QNB Sağlık  Axa Hayat ve  Bereket  NN Hayat ve
        ve Emeklilik  Emeklilik ve  Hayat  ve Emeklilik  ve Emeklilik  Emeklilik ve  Emeklilik ve  Cardif  Emeklilik ve Hayat Sigorta Emeklilik A.Ş. Emeklilik ve Emeklilik A.Ş.
           A.Ş.  Hayat A.Ş.  Emeklilik A.Ş.  A.Ş.  A.Ş.  Hayat A.Ş.  Hayat A.Ş.  Emeklilik A.Ş.  Hayat A.Ş.  ve Emeklilik  Hayat A.Ş.
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