Page 19 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 19


     The robust capital structure of the insurance sector is of critical   Will 2025 be a difficult year, as some insurers have
     importance for ensuring the sustainability of insurance activities in   said?
     the face of potential catastrophic outcomes of the anticipated Mar-
     mara earthquake and possible adversities in the economic climate.   The dynamics of both the domestic and foreign markets in 2025, in-
     From this perspective, the 83% growth in equity compared to the   cluding currency exchange rates, the war in neighboring countries,
     same period last year is considered a positive development. In this   and economic issues, are clearly interconnected. Factors that will
     context, it is essential to create policies aimed at strengthening the   affect Turkish economic dynamics in 2025, such as a potential
     capital structure of companies and ensuring the sustainability of   ceasefire in the Russia-Ukraine war, the reconstruction of Syria,
     equity growth. Additionally, the regulatory authority continues to   and Saudi Arabia’s investment mobilizations, are also closely re-
     work on relevant legislation in this area.               lated to the insurance sector.

     However, in 2024, although we worked towards expanding the sec-  If the current economic policy continues, gradual interest rate cuts
     tor, increasing insurance penetration from 2.5 to 5, and shaping   could reduce financial revenues and potentially lead to decreased
     the next five years of the insurance industry, we did not make sig-  competition in non-traffic insurance sectors. In the cash cycle,
     nificant progress. There’s an elephant in the room that limits our   traffic insurance plays a significant role, and it is expected that
     space for movement – it’s the problems of the past, like regulations,   new vehicle sales and measures to reduce uninsured driving will
     traffic insurance, and the guarantee fund. A significant portion of   positively affect the premium production of this branch.
     our time has been consumed by these issues. Unfortunately, due to
     the focus on these regulations and problems, we haven’t been able
     to discuss the future as much as we should.                The robust capital structure of the insurance
                                                              sector is of critical importance for ensuring the
     What are your expectations for the Turkish insurance     sustainability of insurance activities in the face
     sector in 2025?
                                                              of potential catastrophic outcomes of the antic-
     The growth goals of the Turkish insurance sector in 2025 include in-  ipated Marmara earthquake and possible adver-
     creasing collaborations both nationally and internationally, as well   sities in the economic climate.
     as raising the sector’s insurance penetration rates. Key objectives
     include increasing penetration in mandatory branches like earth-  While insurance in Turkey each year faces new challenges with-
     quake insurance, raising insurance rates in areas such as motor,  in its own dynamics, it has been able to achieve real growth de-
     fire, and private health insurance, expanding complementary health  spite the difficult past 3-4 years. In 2025, despite challenges, real
     insurance, and developing financial insurance products.   growth opportunities are expected to arise through TES (Turkey’s
                                                              insurance ecosystem), the development of compulsory insurances,
     In terms of international expansion, the Turkish insurance sector  health insurance, compulsory earthquake tariffs, and digitaliza-
     aims to increase cooperation with Turkish-speaking countries. This  tion.Of course, if I had one wish for 2025, it would be to focus
     collaboration seeks to promote the exchange of know-how, share  more on the future than the past; to develop the insurance indus-
     national risks on a global level, and strengthen the sector inter-  try, increase penetration, and transfer more customers’ risks to
     nationally. Digital transformation is viewed as a critical priority  the insurance sector.
     for gaining a competitive advantage. In terms of marketing strate-
     gies, the aim is to organize educational and awareness campaigns  Unfortunately, we cannot stop talking about the motor branch,
     to increase insurance awareness. There are plans to include content  particularly traffic insurance, because 40% of our sector’s annu-
     related to insurance awareness in educational curricula, which has  al production comes from traffic and comprehensive insurance.
     been discussed for many years. This will ensure that the importance  Therefore, in 2025, one of the main areas of focus for the Turk-
     of insurance is understood from a young age, ultimately increasing  ish Insurance Association (TSB) will be the costs in traffic insur-
     insurance penetration rates in the long term.            ance, and we have repeatedly emphasized that these costs need
                                                              to be reduced. The cost elements in traffic insurance are quite
     As a result, for 2025, the Turkish insurance sector plans to achieve  clear. Our primary task is to ensure that compensation amounts,
     its growth targets through innovative products, digitalization, and  especially for bodily injuries—i.e., disability, injury, or fatalities
     customer-focused approaches. Educational and awareness strate-  resulting from a traffic accident—are paid according to pre-estab-
     gies to increase insurance awareness are seen as a key factor in  lished principles, without resorting to lengthy court processes. We
     strengthening customer loyalty. In addition, with international ex-  have actually agreed on a method to pay the victim or the party
     pansion goals, the sector is expected to increase its global compet-  affected in a very short time. We are currently working on these
     itiveness.  On the other hand, in an environment where inflation  issues. Secondly, there is a coverage for depreciation; we pay the
     and interest rates are expected to decrease, the release of financial  damage, but there is no coverage or premium for it. We want to
     statements for the first quarter of the year signals a softer com-  regulate this by putting it under control. Of course, when deprecia-
     petitive environment and a period where more stable, technical  tion occurs, arbitration comes into play. The costs increase dramat-
     profitability will come to the forefront. The most important aspect  ically in arbitration, becoming a significant cost item. Thirdly, en-
     of the Turkish insurance sector in 2025 is expected to be higher  suring the use of original or equivalent parts is another crucial step.
     capital adequacy, a more consolidated market, and higher average  We have made substantial progress on these three aspects. Once
     premiums with increased technical premium production as a result  we have accomplished these, our next move will be to transition to
     of consolidation.                                        a free tariff system in traffic insurance, creating an environment
                                                              where both income and costs can be determined freely. We hope to
     Overall, we anticipate that our sector will experience double-digit  see these developments in 2025.
     growth in 2025, with real growth exceeding inflation.
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