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38 Events
Istanbul Robot Museum
Location: Akınsoft Plaza
In the Istanbul Robot Museum, which houses all the robotic
works created by AKINROBOTICS, you will find robot testing
activities, humanoid robots powered by Artificial Intelligence,
service robots, agricultural robots, terrain robots, industrial ro-
bots, and many other robotic works on display.
The museum features numerous areas where both children and
adults can get acquainted with new technologies and have an en-
joyable time. Not only can you see the robots, but you can also
interact with them.
In the Istanbul Robot Museum, Turkey’s most famous robot,
Mini ADA, will greet you and guide you through the museum.
Robotic arms will wave at you, while social robots and humanoid
robots will share their features with you!
Additionally, inside the museum, you can play Tic Tac Toe with the industrial robotic arm programmed for the game, and witness
the abilities of the four-legged robot ARAT, which moves continuously on its specially designed track.
Warhol’s World - Icon of Pop Art
Location: Atatürk Cultural Center
As part of the Turkey Culture Road Festival, organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to contribute to Turkey’s brand
value, the 13th stop will be Istanbul. Taking place from September 28 to October 6, 2024, the Istanbul Culture Road Festival is
set to host a variety of stunning exhibitions. Artworks from some of the world’s most renowned artists, including Picasso, Da Vinci,
Frida, Andy Warhol, Salgado, and Refik Anadol, will come together at the Istanbul Culture Road Festival.
One of the prominent figures of Pop Art, Andy War-
hol, who left an indelible mark on global art and
anticipated all the changing paradigms from the
1960s to the present, will be featured in the exhibi-
tion “Warhol’s World - Icon of Pop Art.”
This exhibition will be held at the Atatürk Cultural
Center from September 28 to December 31, and is
part of the Istanbul Culture Road Festival.
Andy Warhol, one of the most significant names in
Pop Art, shaped his artistic career by examining the
foundations of popular culture and its societal im-
pact. His works revolutionized the global art scene.
The “Andy Warhol: Warhol’s World - Icon of Pop
Art” exhibition will provide an unforgettable expe-
rience for those seeking to follow the traces of a vi-
sionary who pushed the boundaries of art.