Page 39 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 39
12 Man
Location: Şahinbey Conference and Art Center
A 90-minute “one-man” show by Erkan Kolçakköstendil titled “The Last Chance
of the Backup Goalkeeper”
Written and Performed by: Erkan Kolçakköstendil
A goalkeeper who has spent his years in the same team...
After conceding several mistakes in consecutive matches, he has been relegated to
the bench and has been waiting for the day he can return to the goal. Fate brings
him back to the goal in a match where, perhaps, no ball will ever come his way.
This 90 minutes will transform into a moment where he questions his past, his
experiences, his choices, and life itself, together with the audience. A play about
staying in goal, family, loneliness, and stepping outside the lines, where the audi-
ence becomes the fans. 12th Man
Sebastião Salgado - Genesis
Location: Tophane-i Amire Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi
As part of the Turkey Culture Road Festival, organized by the
Ministry of Culture and Tourism to contribute to Turkey’s brand
value, the 13th stop will be Istanbul. Taking place from Septem-
ber 28 to October 6, 2024, the Istanbul Culture Road Festival is
set to host a variety of stunning exhibitions. Artworks from some
of the world’s most renowned artists, including Picasso, Da Vinci,
Frida, Andy Warhol, Salgado, and Refik Anadol, will come to-
gether at the Istanbul Culture Road Festival.
As part of the Istanbul Cultural Route Festival, the world-re-
nowned photographer Sebastião Salgado will showcase his long-
term and significant project, “Genesis,” for the first time in Istan-
bul. The exhibition will be open for visitors at MSGSÜ Tophane-i
Amire from September 28 until the end of December, lasting for
three months. One of the most important documentary photogra-
phers and activists of our time, Sebastião Salgado is best known
for his striking black-and-white photographs depicting the harsh living and working conditions in underdeveloped countries, as
well as poverty, hunger, and migration. The “Genesis” project, consisting of 245 black-and-white photographs, will be exhibit-
ed in Istanbul for three months. It is a monumental project that Sebastião Salgado worked on between 2004 and 2011. In the
artist’s own words, it is “a love letter dedicated to our world.” Focusing on the geographies lost to the climate crisis and endan-
gered animal species, Salgado’s project documents landscapes and peoples that have remained unchanged despite the destructive
impacts of modern society. The exhibition takes viewers on a journey through diverse environments and cultures, from the animal
species of the Galápagos Islands and penguins in Antarctica and the South Atlantic, to the tribes of the Amazon. Through this
lens, the project explores both the beauty and the fragility of our planet.