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                     Technical profit and profit/loss ratios in life branches over the years

                                                      (million TL)


                23,0%           19,4%            18,7%           14,90%           3.930
                 955             1.370           1.311            1.746
               2019 Q2          2020 Q2         2021 Q2         2022 Q2          2023 Q2         2024 Q2
                                  Life branch technical profit (million TL)  Technical Profit/Loss ratio (%)

      Technical loss is 17.1 billion TL in 5 branches         curred a loss of 10.1 billion TL with a profit/loss ratio of -21.9%.
                                                              In  the  motor  vehicles  liability  branch,  the  profit/loss  ratio  was
                                                              -13.5%, resulting in a loss of 7 billion TL. The aviation branch
      In the first half of 2023, there was a total technical loss of 10.7   experienced a -12.3% profit/loss ratio, leading to a loss of 7.8
      billion TL in the six branches. In the first six months of 2024, the   million TL. The rail vehicles branch incurred a loss of 3,921 TL,
      total technical loss in all five branches was seen as 17.1 billion TL.  while the credit branch had a -1.5% profit/loss ratio, resulting in
      In the first half of the year, the motor vehicle insurance branch in-  a loss of 5.3 million TL.

               Amounts of technical profit and                In the first half, 101.4 billion TL in claims were
             loss in the pension branch over the              paid
                       years (million TL)
                                                              In the first half of 2021, the insurance sector paid 13.857 billion
                                                              TL in net claims in the non-life branch, and 2.075 billion TL in
        2024 Q2                                     835,6     net claims in the life branch. In the first half of 2022, this figure
                                                              was 127.115 million TL. In the first half of 2023, the claims paid
        2023 Q2                        536,5                  amounted to 48.019 million TL. In the first half of 2024, this fig-
                                                              ure reached 101.4 billion TL.
        2022 Q2                      467
                                                              The written premiums that had a significant impact on technical in-
        2021 Q2                     461                       come in the first half of 2024 amounted to a total of 225.3 billion

        2020 Q2                338                            TL in the non-life branch and 40.7 billion TL in the life branch.
                                                              Looking at the claims paid by branch, in the accident branch, 195.6
        2019 Q2             256                               million TL was paid, in the disease-health branch, 29.5 billion TL,
                                                              in the land vehicles branch, 23.6 billion TL, in the aviation branch,

      Technical profit and loss amounts arising in selected branches as of the periods (TL)

                                                  DAMAGES         RESPONSIBILITY                       NATURAL                                   PROTECTION      LOSSE         RESPONSIBILITY                               LIABILITY
      2018 Q2    442.820.755    230.124.184       168.514.821     66.091.981        143.669.038        361.249.700           210.725.543         88.831.226      36.341.538    -1.398.701      8.595.131     -11.083.592    2.293.215
      2019 Q2    575.855.817    864.309.614       338.737.002     -739.206.279      182.228.335        354.610.541           441.548.031         91.658.967      41.620.682    4.834.683       5.050.872     -9.050.459     -56.314.894
      2020 Q2    645.250.473    1.600.568.823     276.508.525     882.668.028       156.682.376        441.849.687           871.271.790         70.995.579      48.425.295    -901.509        15.115.962    4.226.110      -244.820.146
      2021 Q2    657.571.643    1.157.763.141     572.172.114     -290.970.678      239.695.484        669.601.621           1.138.640.715       109.988.141     14.023.919    9.240.235       19.905.483    19.590.103     -164.542.839
      2022 Q2    917.374.256    502.965.055       639.985.480     -5.461.350.727    504.015.003        942.809.905           994.753.473         173.721.697     6.912.219     13.315.911      32.554.503    23.657.353     737.253.467
      2023 Q2  15.334.916.315    2.246.792.955   -4.903.620.604    626.902.554        1.009.709.311         4.998.881.860       465.105.702     179.642.491   -1.626.190      168.651.397   88.896.494     713.246.288
      2024 Q2    4.760.760.543  14.891.473.840    4.826.599.209   -    1.552.424.011      8.792.250.673         7.293.470.683       1.030.698.263   271.530.300   64.169.387      158.734.001   -5.386.654     964.772.482
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