Page 25 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
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At MetLife, Our Focus is on
‘Customer Satisfaction’
Deniz Yurtseven, General Manager of MetLife Emeklilik ve
Hayat, stated, “By adopting an agile company approach,
we regularly update our strategy and business model to
fully adapt to the present and the future.”
We would like to talk about MetLife Türki- with digital platforms, we believe we can
ye's digitalization journey. How is MetLife deliver faster solutions to our customers, and
positioning itself in the rapidly growing we continue to work in this direction.
wave of digitalization in the industry? Could
you share some details about your invest- To provide 24/7 support to users who recently
ments in this area? visited our website, we launched our chatbot
service, Met Asistanım. Additionally, we have
The insurance and private pension sector has introduced our voice response system in our call
undergone rapid technological advancements center, enabling users to perform transactions
in recent years. At MetLife, we have been using voice commands. Through the digital
making significant investments in digitalizing transformation implemented in the Customer
our infrastructure for many years. In our Contact Center at MetLife Turkey, voice
digitalization journey, we are taking important guidance and self-service operations have been
steps with a customer-focused approach, introduced alongside the existing system where
aiming to be one of the pioneers of digital customers can reach a customer representative
transformation in the sector through our by dialing. Now, when customers call the
technological investments and partnerships. MetLife Turkey Customer Contact Center,
they can verbally communicate their desired
MetLife Cepte stands out as one of our most transaction, navigate to the relevant menu, and
significant investments in this area. With our complete their transactions accordingly.
MetLife Cepte application, which includes the
core functions of financial tools in insurance How do your investments in digitalization
and private pensions, we offer our customers impact your development in BES and cus-
the ability to access their policies, easily tomer relationships?
review policy details and specific terms, make
contributions, and manage their savings with Our investments in digitalization have a positive
funds of their choice. impact on both our growth in the BES field and
our customer relationships. Digitalization plays
Through our digital sales platform, MetLife a significant role, especially in our development
Hızlaal, we provide customers with needs within the BES sector, allowing us to reach a
analysis, projections based on contributions, much broader audience. To meet the evolving
and product recommendations tailored to risk expectations of our customers, we invest in
analysis, enabling them to easily purchase a digitalization and develop platforms with
wide range of products. Our agents also have user-friendly interfaces. With this approach,
access to this platform. By ensuring that our customers can easily manage their BES
insurance agents become even more compatible accounts and select funds that suit their needs.