Page 20 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 20

20 cover story

     The insurance sector is not just an institution that transfers risks.  inflation reached double-digit figures due to price increases in the
     The rapid transformation in the sector will accelerate even further  global economy, but it later declined to single-digit levels. Inflation
     in the future.                                           is expected to remain around 2% to 4% in the upcoming period.

     Ziya Aliyev, General Director of the Central Bank        One of the most important factors for the insurance market is eco-
     of Azerbaijan: Life expectancies are increasing          nomic developments and the age distribution of the population. The
                                                              population in Azerbaijan is young, but the proportion of young peo-
                                                              ple is higher in Turkey. This situation presents an opportunity for
     The Azerbaijani economy has experienced rapid growth in recent   economic development.
     years. Although the country’s oil sector has a significant impact, we
     also want to develop the non-oil economy as a government. In 2023,
                                                              Looking at birth rates, a decline has been observed in Azerbaijan
                                                              in recent years, but we are lagging behind Turkey in this regard.
                                                              The expected life expectancy has reached 78 years. Although we
                                                              are still behind compared to Turkey, we have made improvements
                                                              in this area in recent years. This development creates opportunities
                                                              for economic growth.

                                                              Azerbaijan’s financial sector is structured with banks being more
                                                              dominant. However, the financial sector is growing, and insurance
                                                              and banks play an important role in this growth.

                                                              The insurance market in Azerbaijan is developing. The insurance
                                                              penetration rate is at 1% of the gross national product. In the non-
                                                              oil economy, this rate has reached 2%. As the government and the
                                                              Central Bank, we have a goal to increase the insurance penetration
                                                              rate and improve the protection of the economy.

     Can the Financial Impacts of

     Natural Disasters Be Predicted?

                                                              international experts. The panels included topics such as “In-
                                                              creasing Earthquake Resilience in Turkey: Addressing Critical
                                                              Issues and Closing the Protection Gap,” “Innovative Earthquake
                                                              Risk Solutions: Sensor-Based Parametric Coverage and Moni-
                                                              toring for Enhanced Resilience,” and “Harnessing the Power of
                                                              Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Emerging Tech-
                                                              nologies in Insurance: Applications, Challenges, and Opportuni-
                                                              ties. We have compiled important statements from the esteemed
                                                              speakers in these panels for you in our report…

                                                              Parametric Products Are Rapidly Evolving
                                                              Over the Last Five Years

                                                              Jean-Christophe Garaix, President of Agriculture and Paramet-
                                                              rics at Liberty Mutual Reinsurance, shared his thoughts on the
     Another speaker at the summit was Prof. Dr. Sinan Akkar, Di-  applicability of parametric insurance and reinsurance systems in
     rector of the T-RUPT Disaster Modeling and Data Analytics De-  various countries, including Turkey. He focused particularly on
     partment. Akkar addressed the key components of earthquake   solutions related to earthquakes, providing information on earth-
     loss modeling and its applications in the insurance sector. In   quake velocity and risks, and explaining the methods they have
     his speech, he stated that loss modeling provides an assessment   developed in these areas. Garaix highlighted the developments
     aimed at predicting the social and financial impacts of natural   in parametric products recorded over the past five years and ex-
     disasters.                                               plained the map control approach.

     Key Topics from the Panels                               He noted that calculations made using data obtained

                                                              from local agencies have been made more accurate by
     After the opening speeches on the second day of the summit, the   utilizing USGS. Additionally, he emphasized their col-
     event continued with panels featuring many esteemed local and
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