Page 23 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 23
Mutlu Uğursal: “We Will Either Rise
or Perish with Artificial Intelligence”
we will either rise in this transformation or we will perish. Artifi-
cial intelligence is not a new concept; its history is quite old. We
are currently in a position where we can train data. However, we
cannot transition to a productive artificial intelligence without
data. For the last 7-8 years, there hasn’t been a meeting where
artificial intelligence hasn’t been a topic of discussion. This pro-
cess will take time, but three main factors are accelerating this
1. Data processing capacity,
2. Customer expectations,
3. Competition.
With these three factors, we will implement this transformation
and transition to artificial intelligence. On the underwriting side,
there are good examples in premium calculations and claims pro-
Mutlu Uğursal, CEO of Agito Software, stated:
cesses, but we are still staying within vertical areas. When we
place artificial intelligence at the center, we will be in a much
“Artificial intelligence has become a turning point for us, as it better position. Overall, a large language model (LLM) should
has in every sector. We have reached a point where ‘if we don’t be created for the insurance industry. This way, we can reach a
implement artificial intelligence, we will cease to exist,’ and this point where we can sell personalized coverages.
transformation needs to happen quickly. At the end of the day,
Development in Mobile Applications
cation specifically for our health insurance products. Thanks to
these applications, our customers can easily track their policies,
coverages, limits, and usage statuses.”
It is extremely important to respond appropriately at the right
Dario Schiller, COO of Ultimate Risk Solutions, emphasized that
human resource deficiencies sometimes create operational gaps
and explained that they are developing prevention-focused solu-
tions. Schiller stated that management decisions should be based
on data and information, saying, “It is extremely important to
respond appropriately at the right time to data and statistics.
This data can change rapidly.”
He noted that global events like COVID and other disasters have
Korhan Kuyu, CIO of Anadolu Sigorta, stated the following dur- affected decision-making processes, saying, “We now see that the
ing the panel:
nature of our sales force has changed. The evolution of risks re-
quires these processes to transform as well.” He highlighted that
“As Anadolu Sigorta, we are not only producing in specific the emergence of new threats, such as cyber risks and climate
branches but also have a wide range of production across all change, has increased the importance of analytical approaches.
main branches. We offer a large portion of our services through
our mobile applications. Currently, we are selling 13 different Schiller stressed that companies must effectively respond to
products via mobile applications. The health branch is somewhat changes in both insurance and capital structure.
different from the others, so we have a separate mobile appli-