Page 18 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 18

18 cover story

     The second day of the 3

     International Insurance Summit

     focused on the ‘Protection Gap in

     Catastrophic Risks’

                                                              from the sector, and a growth expectation of 34% is projected.

                                                              2. The Role of the Insurance Sector: The insurance
                                                              sector holds a significant place in Turkey, as it does in global
                                                              practice, because it provides financial protection to individuals
                                                              and businesses. The point we need to focus on is risk reduction
                                                              and management. Accurate analysis of risks and the actions to be
                                                              taken in response are of great importance. Up until now, we have
                                                              taken a reactive approach, meaning we were limited to compen-
                                                              sating and making payments after the risk materialized. Howev-
                                                              er, after the earthquake, it became clear that we need to adopt
                                                              a proactive stance and focus on risk prevention. As a sector that
                                                              builds the future, the insurance industry ensures the control of
                                                              risks and offers great benefits through risk-sharing. In addition,
                                                              it provides financial stability and security.
     The second day of the 3  International Insurance Summit, held
     as part of the 13  Insurance Week organized by the Association   3. Savings and Supplemental Pension Insurance:
     of Insurance Practitioners, IUC, and Middle East Insurance Re-  Recently, regulatory authorities have been taking steps to in-
     view, featured significant panels. The opening speeches of the 3    crease savings in their economic policies. Structures that support
     International Insurance Summit, held on October 2 at Sheraton   the non-bank financial sector are being developed. An increase is
     Grand, were delivered by Fahri Altıngöz and Özgür Obalı. On the   also being observed in supplemental pension insurance. We are
     second day, prominent figures once again gathered to discuss the   moving toward a system where employers themselves are includ-
     present and future of the insurance industry.
                                                              ed in the model alongside the mandatory component, which is a
                                                              crucial development considering the aging population. Addition-
     On the second day of the 3  International Insurance Summit,   ally, special attention should be paid to incorporating businesses
     organized by the Insurance Association of Turkey under the   with religious sensitivities into the takaful system.
     theme “Reducing the Protection Gap: Turkey’s Journey to Re-
     silience and Sustainability,” domestic and international experts
     discussed increasing resilience against earthquakes and closing   4. Protection Gaps and Penetration Rate: Looking
     the related protection gaps.                             at protection gaps worldwide, there is a $1 trillion gap in pen-
                                                              sions, $0.9 trillion in cybersecurity, and $0.8 trillion in health-
     Here are some highlights from the speech of Özgür Obalı, Secre-  care. We are in a better position than the global average in pen-
     tary General of the Insurance Association of Turkey, one of the   sions. In Turkey, cybersecurity remains a luxury service in terms
     opening speakers:                                        of the protection gap. On the healthcare side, due to the state’s
     “I would like to share a few points regarding the current state   significant responsibility, there is not much left for the private
     of the insurance market. Yesterday, we talked about insurance   sector to handle. Globally, our penetration rate is 7%, well be-
     protection gaps, and now I want to revisit this topic and touch on   low the world average. However, significant progress has been
     the current situation. I will proceed with five points:  made in recent years, especially from 2022 to 2023. In non-life
                                                              premium production, we rose from 27  place in the world in
     1. Competitive Market and Premium Produc-                2022 to 20  place in 2023. In the EMEA region, we moved
                                                              from 4th place to 1st.
     tion: There are a total of 72 insurance companies, making the
     Turkish market quite competitive. There is a $14 billion GWP,   5. Growth Potential and Goals of the Sector: The
     and total premium production reached $34 million as of August
     2024. There are a total of 16 million participants. Looking at   growth potential of the sector is quite high. The first goal is to
     the last decade, the last two years have been particularly success-  raise awareness. The second goal is to review the structures with-
     ful in attracting new participants. As Mr. Uğur mentioned in his   in the sector and bring all stakeholders together. The third goal
     speech yesterday, 20% of the total gross domestic product comes   is to establish more effective relationships with public authorities
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