Page 19 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 19


       In the first half of the year, the total premium production in the insurance sector in-
       creased by 52.61% compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching 8.301
       billion USD. During this period, liability and vehicle insurance played a prominent role in

       premium production, with the most significant increase in premium production observed
       in the accident and health insurance branches

        According to the data announced by the Insurance Association  a premium production of 813 million 999 thousand USD and
        of Turkey (T.S.B.) at the end of June 2023, the total premi-  a market share of 9.81% during this period, while Anadolu
        um production in the insurance sector increased by 52.61%  Anonim  Türk  Sigorta  Şirketi  retained  its  third  place  with  a
        compared to the second quarter of 2022 and reached 8 billion  premium production of 720 million 114 thousand USD and a
        301 million USD. During this period, the premium production  market share of 8.67%. In this period, AXA Sigorta ranked
        in  non-life  branches  increased  by  57.73%  to  USD  7  billion  fourth with 507 million 978 thousand USD premium produc-
        328 million, while the premium production in the life branch  tion and 6.12% market share, while HDI Sigorta ranked fifth
        increased by 22.60% to USD 972 million.                with 491 million 356 thousand USD premium production and
                                                               5.92% market share.
        The  increase  in  premium  production,  in  Turkish  Lira  terms,
        was 139.04% in non-life branches and 85.8% in life branches,  In  this  period,  the  top  5  companies  with  the  highest  premi-
        resulting in a total increase of 131.28%. The reason for the  ums in non-life branches are Türkiye Sigorta, Allianz Sigorta,
        lower increase in USD terms was the exchange rate difference.  Anadolu Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi, Axa Sigorta and HDI
        (USD/TRY on 30.06.2023= 25.334; 30.06.2022= 16.7165)   Sigorta.

        In the second quarter of the year, the branch with the highest  In the life insurance branch, the ranking of the top 5 companies
        premium production, accounting for 27.62% of the total pre-  remained unchanged from the first quarter. Türkiye Hayat ve
        mium production in the sector, was general liability insurance,  Emeklilik, AgeSA Hayat ve Emeklilik, Anadolu Hayat Emekli-
        which includes land, air, water vehicles. During this period,  lik, Viennalife Emeklilik ve Hayat, Allianz Yaşam ve Emeklilik
        total vehicle insurance, including land, air, water, and rail ve-  constituted the top 5 companies in the life insurance branch.
        hicles, came in second place with a 18.44% share, and the
        health  insurance  branch  ranked  third  with  15.37%.  During
        this period, the share of the fire and natural disasters branch   Market shares of insurance companies
        was 12.59%, the life insurance branch had a share of 12.03%,
        general damages branch had a share of 10.18%, the accident
        branch had a share of 2.34%, and the transportation branch                        11,60%
        had a share of 1.43%.                                                    20,04%
        In the first 6 months of 2023, the highest increase in premium
        production was observed in the accident branch. This was fol-         19,33%            8,67%
        lowed by health insurance, liability branches, fire and natural
        disasters branch, vehicle insurance, general damages, life in-                               6,12%
        surance, and transportation branch.
                                                                           2,62%                  5,92%
        “Türkiye  Sigorta  A.Ş.  completed  the  first                       3,46%      3,66%  5,29%
        half of the year as the leader with a total pre-                        3,48%
        mium production of 963 million 226 thousand              Türkiye Sigorta AŞ             Allianz Sigorta AŞ
        USD and a market share of 11.60%.”                       Anadolu Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi  Axa Sigorta AŞ
                                                                 HDI Sigorta AŞ                 Aksigorta AŞ
        At the end of June, in the overall premium production rank-  Sompo Sigorta AŞ           Bupa Acıbadem Sigorta AŞ
        ing for both life and non-life branches, Türkiye Sigorta A.Ş.   Quick Sigorta AŞ        Türkiye Hayat ve Emeklilik AŞ
        continued to hold the top position with a premium produc-
        tion  of  963  million  226  thousand  USD  and  a  market  share   Next 10 companies   Following Companies
        of 11.60%. Allianz Sigorta maintained its second place with
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