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32 cultural outlook

                                                               coastal road that leads you to Finike. At the end of this road,
         Gaziantep                                             which is narrower than the previous sections of your journey,
                                                               you can enter Finike. At this point, you will be greeted by the
                                                               sea, which offers an inviting view along with the yacht harbor.
                                                               After  a  long  journey,  you  can  take  some  rest  and  set  out  to
                                                               explore the beauties of Finike. Here, you will find fascinating
                                                               landscapes such as Arykanda, Limyra, and Rhodiapolis ancient
                                                               cities, as well as enchanting views where blue and green dance
                                                               in harmony, such as Andrea Doria Bay and Gökbük Canyon.

                                                               Gaziantep – Mardin

                                                               This  Southeast  route,  starting  from  Gaziantep,  continuing
                                                               through Şanlıurfa, and ending in Mardin, covers approximately
                                                               350 kilometers of travel. In this journey, which takes place on
                                                               a relatively flat, low-curvature, and well-maintained highway,
                                                               you will encounter many historical and natural beauties. Get
                                                               ready to explore the hidden gems of this region on the South-
                                                               east route, where you may encounter extraordinary experiences
         Mardin                                                among long-distance routes.

                                                               Before embarking on your journey from Gaziantep, you can vis-
                                                               it  the  historical  bazaars,  Turkish  baths,  and  museums  in  the
                                                               city center. Once you start your journey, if you haven’t decided
                                                               on your first stop, Zeugma Ancient City near the Nizip district
                                                               would be a good choice. This ancient settlement, with a history
                                                               of 2,300 years, is still undergoing archaeological excavations.
                                                               From this point on, you can either directly transition from Nizip
                                                               to Urfa or take a 60-kilometer journey to visit Halfeti.

                                                               After the detour in Halfeti, you can continue on your main route
                                                               by entering the Adana-Şanlıurfa road. On the journey through
                                                               vast fields extending to Şanlıurfa, you will reach a city that daz-
                                                               zles with its history. You can explore the Kapalı Çarşı (Grand
                                                               Bazaar),  Balıklıgöl  (Pool  of  Sacred  Fish),  Urfa  Castle,  and
                                                               many other locations.
       completed in a short transit of 3 hours, the natural and histori-
       cal wonders along the way will captivate your mind.     The final stage of your Southeast route, the Şanlıurfa-Mardin
                                                               itinerary, includes approximately 190 kilometers of D400 and
       You need to travel the entire journey from Fethiye to Finike  E90 highways. This well-maintained and relatively curve-free
       on  the  D400  highway.  After  leaving  Fethiye,  the  first  place  route will once again present you with wide steppes and culti-
       where the journey meets the sea is Kaputaş Beach on the An-  vated lands along the way. Before reaching Mardin, you’ll come
       talya-Fethiye road, with some sections of the road featuring  across the Viranşehir district of Urfa. After passing Viranşehir,
       winding curves.  However, before arriving here, do not miss the
       opportunity to visit the ancient cities of Xanthos and Patara
       along the way. Between Kaputaş and Kaş, there is a 20-kilom-
       eter coastal road where you can witness various shades of blue.

       Kaş welcomes its guests with a smoothly paved road that offers
       a  thrilling  driving  experience,  and  there  are  plenty  of  things
       to do in Kaş. By carefully planning this part of your journey,
       you can include Hidayet Koyu Beach, İnceboğaz, Lycian Rock
       Tombs, and the ancient city of Antiphellos in your itinerary.

       As you travel from Kaş to Finike, get ready to leave the sea
       behind and embrace the greenery. Along approximately 75 kilo-
       meters, as you head towards the inland areas, you will come
       across important locations such as Demre Bird Sanctuary, An-
       driake Ancient City, and St. Nicholas Church towards the end
       of your journey.
       After  passing  through  Demre,  you  will  encounter  a  winding
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