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     you will first encounter the district of Kızıltepe in Mardin, fol-
     lowed by the city center itself.

     While this holiday route may not have many locations to visit
     along the way, the destination itself offers a rich content. Among
     the most important destinations you may want to see in Mar-
     din are the historical Mardin Castle, which stands out with its
     commanding view of the city, and the Old Mardin Houses. To
     experience the extraordinary atmosphere of Mardin in an unfor-
     gettable way, you can spend time in its historical bazaars and
     famous hammams. If you wish, you can stay for a few nights in
     the traditional Mardin mansions that have gained fame beyond
     the borders of the province.

     Western Black Sea Line
     (Bartın - Kastamonu - Sinop)                               Ayvalık

                                                             through  the  2160-meter-long  Dranaz  Tunnel  and  overcoming
     A fantastic route awaits those who want to delve into the green   occasional uphill and winding roads, you have reached the end
     depths of Western Black Sea by moving away from the coast-  of your Western Black Sea tour in the city center of Sinop. In
     line: Bartın - Kastamonu - Sinop. If you wish for asphalt roads   Sinop, which presents nature as a whole with its beaches, coves,
     that pass through forests, taking you to small towns, historical   natural caves, and national parks, don’t forget to visit the fa-
     locations, and unique landscapes, this approximately 370-kilo-  mous Sinop Castle.
     meter-long journey may be just what you’re looking for.
     One of the stops on your journey, starting from the city center  Ayvalık – İzmir – Kuşadası

     of Bartın, is Karabük. Although you won’t enter the city itself,
     the D775 highway to Kastamonu passes through the boundaries  This route starting from Ayvalık and ending in Kuşadası offers
     of Safranbolu. The 75-kilometer distance between Bartın and  a long and enjoyable journey of approximately 250 kilometers,
     Safranbolu might be a bit short for a break. But there are plenty  satisfying the expectations of those seeking to explore the Ae-
     of locations you might want to see along the way. Some of the  gean region by car. Although a significant portion of the route
     region’s most iconic structures include the Safranbolu Houses,  passes through central areas, there are numerous holiday re-
     which are symbolized by their unique architectural style. Other  sorts, tourist locations, and attractions along the way.
     notable attractions include the breathtaking canyon views from
     the Crystal Terrace and the intriguing Chocolate Museum.  During the first stage of the Aegean tour, you will travel from
                                                             Ayvalık  city  center  to  Izmir  using  the  E87  highway.  The  du-
     After Safranbolu, the next part of your journey continues on the  al-carriageway provides a pleasant journey without much traffic
     relatively less winding D030 highway. The distance you need to  congestion. Additionally, there are rest areas and petrol stations
     cover after redirecting your route to Kastamonu is approximate-  along  the  road  to  meet  all  your  needs.  If  you  wish  to  take  a
     ly 110 km. Along the D030 road, which will always take you  break, you can explore tourist attractions such as Aşıklar Wa-
     through lush greenery, you can expect a two-lane and peaceful  terfall and Ağlayan Mağara (Crying Cave) by taking a detour
     road. However, if you are traveling at night, it’s important to  towards Gökçeağıl while passing through Dikili. The 120-kilo-
     note that there is limited lighting along most parts of the road.  meter journey between Dikili and Izmir can be completed in ap-
     After passing through several villages and towns along the way,  proximately 1.5 hours, depending on the traffic conditions.
     and entering the city center of Kastamonu, you can visit near-
     by tourist attractions such as İzbeli Farm, Şadıbey Farm, and  If you don’t want to waste time in the city center of Izmir, you
     Kastamonu Castle.                                       can head towards Kuşadası via the Izmir-Aydın highway. This
                                                             part of your journey will offer a pleasant driving experience with
     When traveling from Kastamonu to Sinop, a portion of the jour-  three lanes. Before leaving the boundaries of Izmir, you can also
     ney is on the D030 road, while the remaining part is on the D785  visit  important  destinations  in  Selçuk.  Don’t  miss  out  on  the
     highway. After approximately 1 hour of travel on this segment,  Selçuk Castle in the town center, as well as the House of the Vir-
     you will come across Taşköprü. This small district of Kastamonu  gin Mary, the ancient city of Ephesus, and the village of Şirince.
     takes its name from a stone bridge that dates back to the Roman  Conclude your route after exploring these places.
     era. Continuing along the route, before reaching Boyabat, you
     will need to turn onto the D785 road to reach the center of Sin-  After  completing  the  short  half-hour  distance  between  Selçuk
     op. If you wish, you can drive to Boyabat and visit the magnifi-  and Kuşadası, you will arrive at the beautiful bays, beaches, and
     cent Boyabat Castle, which dates back to ancient times and was  archaeological sites of Kuşadası. Here, you can visit locations
     built on a rock, or explore the Boyabat Rock Tombs.     such as Dilek Peninsula-Büyük Menderes Delta National Park,
                                                             the historical houses of Doğanbey Village, and the ancient site
     If you’re eagerly anticipating the moment when you finally reach  of Priene. If you have more time, you can drive your car further
     the sea after hours of a green journey, the distance between Boy-  south and visit Miletus, where you can enjoy the natural land-
     abat and Sinop is approximately 80 kilometers. After passing  scapes of Lake Bafa.
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