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        Solution for 18 million vehicles without motor insurance from Ray Sigorta:
        ‘’Starting Motor Insurance’’

                                                             unforeseen events of nature increase so much, protective prod-
                                                             ucts such as motor insurance become even more important.”
                                                             Ray  Sigorta’s  innovative  product  Starting  Motor  Insurance
                                                             attracts attention with its wide range of assistants as well as
                                                             the guarantees it offers against situations that can cause major
                                                             damage such as theft, burning, earthquake, storm, flood-water,
                                                             hail.  As  well  as  the  priority  appointment  provided  within  the
                                                             scope of the full assistance pack, as well as services such as
                                                             correction, parts change, glass change, 6 times a year free inte-
                                                             rior and exterior car wash, tire storage/change, car hairdresser
                                                             discount, vehicle check-up service, periodical maintenance work,
                                                             advanced driving training discount and eye examination are also
                                                             ‘Insurance companies should also consider 18 million
        The fact that most of the vehicles in traffic are without mo-  vehicles without motor insurance’
        tor  insurance  poses  great  risks  to  the  safety  of  vehicles  and
        drivers. The importance of the motor insurance increases even   Koray Erdoğan, General Manager of Ray Sigorta, stated that
        more when we add to this the great risks such as fire, flood,   There are 7 million policies for 25 million vehicles registered,
        earthquake, hail and theft that we have encountered quite often   with penetration as low as 29% and said: “The motor insur-
        recently. Ray Sigorta’s new product, the Starting Motor Insur-  ance branch is among the branches in which the highest claim
        ance’, offers solutions to car owners who stay away from Motor   payments are made in our country. The damage in the motor
        Insurance products due to costs with its economical prices and a   insurance branch in 2020 is close to a total of 6.3 billion lira.
        wide range of assistances.                           The total amount of damages incurred in the first quarter of
                                                             this year has already reached 2 billion lira. Especially given the
        Only 3 out of every 10 vehicles in traffic have a motor insurance,   large increases in damage such as hail and flooding in the recent
        due to the recently increased vehicle and spare parts costs, in   period, in today’s conditions, where the risks are quite high, in-
        case of possible damage, the owners of vehicles without a mo-  surance companies should produce solutions for 18 million car
        tor insurance can find themselves in a  quite difficult situation.   owners who do not have a motor insurance.”
        Starting Motor Insurance, Ray Sigorta’s new product with a
        customized structure, secures the main major risks such as theft,   Koray Erdoğan pointed out that their new product, the Starting
        earthquake, fire, flood and hail. Car owners who start protecting   Motor Insurance, will be a good start, especially for those who
        their vehicle by taking precautions against major damage also   do not have a motor insurance, and those who have previously
        get many additional services for free or at a discount thanks to   made a motor insurance, but cannot renew it for financial rea-
        a wide range of assistance services.                 sons, will also be an appropriate alternative to their budget and
                                                             said: “With the Starting Motor Insurance, we provide assurance
        The importance of the motor insurance increases with   against large risks such as hail, flood, fire, theft that are not un-
        unpredictable risks                                  der the control of vehicle owners. One of the important features
                                                             of this product is the ability to move the levels of damage to the
        Koray Erdoğan, General Manager of Ray Sigorta, stated that   next level, just like in a wide range of motor insurance prod-
        our  country,  where  different  climates  are  experienced  at  the   ucts. Moreover, we included a wide range of additional benefits,
        same time, is exposed to some climate events along with global   especially the special repair services to full damage. We offer
        warming and said: Natural disasters such as flooding and hail   all these services to our customers at reasonable prices starting
        that have occurred in recent years have caused a lot of damage   from 39 TL per month in order to contribute to the spread of
        to vehicles. Because of these natural events, drivers were also in   motor insurance use. As Ray Sigorta, we will always continue to
        a very difficult situation. During periods when the risks caused by   bring our tailor-made products to our customers.”
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