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Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik’s Youth Pension Plan Has Reached 150 Thousand
Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik’s Youth Pension Plan, decommis- ers usually make their
sioned for youth between the ages of 18 and 25, reached 150 payments by ordering
thousand participants. In more than 3 times a ratio of the a credit card and direct
sector average, the number of participants with young partic- debit. 95 percent of our
ipants approached 14 percent of the total individual pension customers create their
customer. So far, 52 percent of individual pension products own budgets by work-
purchased through online sales channels are also young pen- ing or providing the
sion plans. relevant amounts from
their families and make
The number of participants in Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik’s payments personally
Youth Pension Plan, which guarantees the future of young from their cards and
people and has been offered since 2015, has reached 150 bank accounts.”
thousand. The Youth Pension Plan, which is the choice of
young people who want to take steps from today for their fu- “The Youth Pension
ture, is offered exclusively to people aged 18 to 25. Plan can be easily
purchased digitally”
Yılmaz Ertürk, General Manager of, Anadolu Hayat Emekli-
lik stated that They are pleased that young people prefer the Ertürk stated that The
Private Pension System (BES) to save for their future and Youth Pension Plan is easily accessible through online sales
said: “Our number of clients in the Youth Pension Plan is channels and said: “For more than a year, we have been
growing every day. The importance of accumulation and sav- bringing young people together digitally.” We have designed
ings during the epidemic period was once again understood. an experience where they can easily, quickly and safely com-
Our young people show an intense interest in this product. It plete their purchase process over the internet. Young people
makes us hopeful and happy to see our young people, who who want to invest for their future today can open an private
act with savings consciousness, already thinking about their pension account on our corporate website in a very short time.
future.” So far, 52 percent of individual pension products purchased
through online sales channels are youth pension plans. I would
“The share of participants aged 18 to 25 in the total is like to emphasize that we are with them when planning their
approaching 14 percent, which is more than 3 times the future with online sales, which we started through our website,
sector average” which is a channel that will benefit young people and facilitate
their access to information, we understand their needs and
Ertürk pointed out that The proportion of young customers offer them appropriate solutions in the most practical way.
involved in private pension since 2015, when the Youth Pen- As Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik, we carry out our marketing and
sion Plan was offered for sale, is more than three times the sales activities in order to direct more young people to make
industry average and said: “The share of our youth between savings, and we offer different advantages by organizing peri-
the ages of 18 and 25 in our total private pension customer odic campaigns for them. Our Youth Pension Plan customers
portfolio stands at 13.6 percent. Looking at the sector as a can benefit from discounts of up to 40 percent on Anadolu
whole, we see that this rate is still 4.5 percent.” Sigorta individual health, insurance and housing insurance.
“Young people make their own payments” Moreover, within the scope of our new advantage that we have
commissioned this month, in addition to the discounts of our
Stating that customers in the Youth Pension Plan are includ- customers, in the Individual Cyber Security Insurance offered
ed in the plan on average at the age of 22, Ertürk provided by Anadolu Sigorta, 10 percent, complementary health insur-
the following information about the payment trends of young ance has a 12 percent discount on new policies. We are con-
people in the system: “With our specially developed product stantly renewing and improving ourselves in accordance with
for them, young people can invest with contribution amounts the needs and expectations of our future young people.”
that will not strain their budgets for their future. Our custom-