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28 at a glance

               New digital service by BNP Paribas Cardif Emeklilik “Automated Quotation”

                                         BNP    Paribas   Cardif  erations of auto enrollment participation. As a company
                                         Emeklilik has implement-  that understand the requirements of its customers and the
                                         ed  “Automated  Quota-   market to the utmost level and offers innovative solutions,
                                         tion” system on its inter-  BNP Paribas Cardif continues to improve its touchpoints
                                         net branch to decrease the  with the customers, by using digital solutions.
                                         workload  of  employers
                                         during  the  Auto  Enroll-  Gökhan Sertsöz, Assistant General Manager of Bankas-
                                         ment  System  (OKS)  pro-  surance at BNP Paribas Cardif Emekllik, states that the
                                         cess.                    company aims to offer products that will simplify their
                                                                  customers’  access  to  insurance  services  with  a  custom-
                                         BNP    Paribas   Cardif  er-oriented  service  approach;  and  adds:  “When  we  ex-
                                         Emeklilik  speeds  up  the  amine the developed auto enrollment models around the
                                         auto-enrollment    par-  world, we see that importance of digital transformation
                                         ticipation  process  for  and  data  grows  with  each  passing  day.  BNP  Paribas
                                         employers  with  its  new  Cardif Emeklilik will continue to create a difference in
               ‘Automated  Quotation’  system,  which  was  developed  to  Turkish insurance market, with a structure that nurtures
               simplify the quotation process for companies while par-  product and service development according to the require-
               ticipating in the Auto Enrollment System. With an on-  ments of the market and customers. We will continue our
               line quote offered over its internet branch, BNP Paribas  investments that will support our customer-oriented ser-
               Cardif Emeklilik relieves the workload of human resourc-  vice approach throughout 2018.”
               es departments to a considerable degree during the op-

               Doğa Sigorta’s real growth reaches 66 percent

               Having  begun  its  activities  in  2014,  Doğa  Sigorta  has  growth rate.   In the coming
               taken another successful towards its sustainable growth  term,  we  aim  to  move  for-
               target. In 4 years’ time, Doğa Sigorta has risen to the 9th  ward  with  cautious  and  de-
               rank in Turkish insurance market; proving its difference  termined  steps  and  enhance
               in health, travel, traffic and earthquake products with its  our position in the market,”
               real growth rate and premium production.           he added.
               ‘We have raised our sustainable growth up to the   Life-long friendships with
               peak’                                              policyholders

               CEO Nihat Kırmızı underlined that, in cooperation with  With  8  regional  represent-
               their agents and solution partners, Doğa Sigorta managed  ative  offices  and  over  1000
               to become one of the top ten companies of the market in  agents  across  Turkey,  Doğa
               2017 in terms of growth rate, as one of the companies  Sigorta  has  rapidly  become
               with the widest agency network. He said:           one of the leading insurance
                                                                  companies of Turkish insurance market. Gaining the sat-
               “By undertaking a pioneer role with our innovations es-  isfaction of its customers with its responsible and com-
               pecially in the non-life segment, we have managed to in-  petent actions, Doğa Sigorta builds life-long friendships
               creased our growth sustainability to the highest level in  with its policyholders as a result of a customer-oriented
               2017. With our innovative and visionary perspective, vol-  approach offering solutions for all their insurance needs.
               ume of our underwritten premiums surpassed our target  In this respect, the company offers various products in
               levels. We are proud to have closed the year 2017 with a  Fire,  Automobile  Accident,  Non-Auto  Accident  and  Li-
               real growth rate of 66.6 percent.”                 ability, Engineering, Marine and Health Insurance lines.
                                                                  Thanks to its wide range of products, the company can
                “In terms of non-life premium volume, we have managed  provide tailor-made solutions for all manner of current
               to rise up to the 9th rank among tens of companies in  and future requirements.
               a short period of time and surpassed by far the market
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