Page 24 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 24

22 interview

     We fight against the fraudulent and

     abusive insurance transactions that can

     be seen all around the world

     Salih Taşyon, Head of Insurance Fraud and Abuse Bureau of Turkey (SİSEB): “We
     know that 80 billion USD of total insured losses in USA are fraudulent and abusive
     claims. British state that they catch 2.1 billion GBP of insurance fraud and abuse. We

     estimate this amount has reached 1 billion TL in Turkey.”

                                                                                 the fight of insurance companies against or-
                                                                                 ganized insurance fraud and abuse. We also
                                                                                 aim to provide an efficient cooperation with
                                                                                 the insurance market; we monitor fraud and
                                                                                 abuse cases together. We file criminal com-
                                                                                 plaints  against  organizational  fraud  cases.
                                                                                 We support insurance companies with train-
                                                                                 ings, meetings and visits about how they can
                                                                                 fight  against  cases  of  insurance  fraud  and
                                                                                 abuse. We also provide periodical reports for
                                                                                 insurance companies, helping them compare
                                                                                 themselves with the rest of the market. Most
                                                                                 importantly, we try to manage the percep-
                                                                                 tion of abuse and fraud. We wish to spread
                                                                                 the apprehension that “insurance abuse is a
                                                                                 crime” to he entirety of our society. In ac-
                                                                                 cordance  with  all  these  targets,  we  try  to
                                                                                 provide services to all other stakeholders in
                                                                                 the market besides insurance companies, in-
                                                                                 cluding the agents, experts, repair shops and
                                                                                 citizens. We are working integrated with 22
                                                                                 public institutions.

                                                                                 What are the functions of SİSEB?
     Could you briefly inform us about the   ket; and has extensive knowledge of policy
     purpose of SİSEB’s foundation?        general conditions, coverage scope and legal   One of our functions is our technological side
                                           dimensions. They are constantly in contact   where we try to create a difference, use the
     SİSEB (Insurance Fraud Bureau of Turkey)   with  insurance  companies.  Our  colleagues   data and detect anomalies through several
     was  founded  by  the  Insurance  Association   in  this  department  have  studied  computer   projects. We move together with the insur-
     of Turkey in 2015 within the organization-  sciences and mathematical engineering; this   ance market in all our projects. One of our
     al  structure  of  Insurance  Information  and   team analyzes the data, develops analytical   functions  is  to  take  decisions  via  commit-
     Monitoring  Center.  It  was  founded  with   methods and uses technology to find ways of   tees of the Insurance Association of Turkey
     the aim of detecting fraud and abuse cases   catching insurance fraud and abuse with ex-  (TSB) by referring to consultants whenever
     that we call organized cases and cannot be   isting data.                   necessary.  Training  is  also  very  important
     detected by the insurance companies using                                   among  our  institution’s  activities.  We  are
     only their own data; in order to prevent the   Our  legal  foundations  lay  in  the  aggravat-  also working towards developing our suspi-
     financial  losses  in  insurance  market.  We   ed  fraud  clause  of  Turkish  Criminal  Law,   cious transaction pool.
     have 2 units in our organizational structure,   and  Regulation  on  Insurance  Malpractices
     one of which are Fraud and Abuse Inspec-  published in the Insurance Law and Official   How does SİSEB detect insurance abuse
     tion  Unit.  This  unit  consists  of  employees   Gazette. We are an organization that aims   and fraud? Can you tell us about the re-
     that have experience in the insurance mar-  to  reduce  financial  losses  in  the  insurance   porting pool model?
                                           market and are responsible of coordinating
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