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             Katılım Emeklilik has increased its fund size by 85%

             Katılım  Emeklilik  continues  its  stable  our participants. Moreover,  through
             growth strategy in the final quarter of  our field activities, we have the
             the year. As of September, the total fund  opportunity to listen to participants’
             size  in  Katılım  Emeklilik’s  Individual  needs firsthand and address them
             Pension  System  (BES)  has  increased  accordingly.”
             by 85% compared to the beginning of
             the year, reaching 30 billion TL. Ayhan  Sincek, stating that they provide BES
             Sincek,  General  Manager  of  Katılım  participants with the opportunity to
             Emeklilik,  stated,  “As we leave our  earn returns above inflation through
             10th year behind, thanks to the interest  participation-based funds such as gold,
             and trust of  our  participants, we  foreign  currency,  and  stocks,  said,
             continue to increase our fund size and  “With our 17 individual pension funds,
             market share.” Sincek also reminded  we stand out as the company offering
             that the opportunity to maximize  the most fund options among pension
             the  30%  state  contribution  for  BES  companies  providing  interest-free
             participants whose  total contribution  individual pension  plans. Especially
             payments are below the set limit will  this year, our sustainability-themed
             remain valid until the end of the year.   interest-free pension fund, along with
                                               our short-term investment perspective   Katılım Emeklilik is also leading the
             Ayhan Sincek, General Manager of  pension fund, are of great importance   digital transformation of the sector
             Katılım  Emeklilik,  stated  that  the  as the first funds in the interest-
             company  continues  to  maintain  its  free pension field. Additionally, our   Sincek,   emphasizing   Katılım
             leadership in its field with participation-  dividend-paying stock fund and the   Emeklilik’s significant contribution
             based, interest-free fund options  precious metals fund, which includes   to the sector’s digital transformation,
             and  innovative  products.  He  added,  a certain share of silver, are receiving   stated, “With our Mobile Fund
             “Thanks to the interest and trust of our  great interest from our participants.”  Assistant project, we have introduced
             participants, we continue to increase                                a remarkable innovation in the field of
             our fund size and market share. As of  In BES, there is an unbeatable state   digital transformation. This AI-based
             September,  in  the  Individual  Pension  contribution opportunity   smart assistant helps our participants
             System, we have reached a fund size of                               manage their savings in the most
             30 billion TL, with an 85% increase  As the end of the year approaches,   efficient way. Before making an
             since the beginning of the year. As  Ayhan Sincek made an important   investment, users fill out a risk profile
             we  leave  our  10th  year  in  the  sector  reminder  to  BES  participants,  survey to gather information about
             behind,  we are  the company  offering  emphasizing the need to reassess their   their  personal  preferences.  Based  on
             the  most fund  options  among those  contribution payments in order to fully   this data, the Fund Assistant offers
             providing  interest-free  individual  benefit from the state contribution.   personalized  savings  suggestions,
             pension services, with 17 interest-free  Sincek stated, “In the Individual   helping participants  increase their
             fund options, making us a key player in  Pension  System  (BES),  the  upper   returns. This experience, tailored to
             the BES. With our strong distribution  limit for the 30% state contribution is   participants’ risk preferences, allows
             channels, integration infrastructure,  determined according to the minimum   them to make more informed and
             innovative products, and customer  wage.  This  limit  cannot  exceed  30%   effective investment decisions. The
             satisfaction-focused approach, we will  of  the total  annual gross  minimum   Fund Assistant develops customized
             continue to enhance our competitive  wage. For participants whose total   savings strategies for participants,
             strength in the market.”          contribution payment in 2024 is below   providing regular updates. Through the
                                               the specified limit, the opportunity   app, users can view performance graphs
             Ayhan Sincek, emphasizing that BES  to  fully  benefit  from  the  30%  state   of funds over specific time periods and
             has become one of the most preferred  contribution remains valid until the   risk analysis reports, allowing them to
             savings instruments, stated, “We have  end of the year.” The state contribution   examine their investment portfolios
             achieved strong growth in interest-free  entitlement granted each year is limited   in detail. Additionally, participants
             funds, which have garnered significant  to that year. Therefore, we recommend   have the opportunity to track the
             interest from citizens seeking to  participants who have the opportunity   current returns of their selected funds
             generate  income  from   different  to deposit the remaining contribution   in real time. This allows them to
             savings options. As Katılım Emeklilik,  difference by the end of the year. If   make investment decisions based on a
             we offer various participation-based  individual pension payments reach   data-driven approach, enabling more
             pension plans both in voluntary BES  at least 240,030 TL during 2024,   informed  and  strategic  steps.  With
             and automatic enrollment systems.  participants will be able to benefit from   our Fund Assistant app, we provide a
             With our nationwide network of agents  the maximum 30% state contribution,   powerful tool that supports participants
             and brokers, as well as our innovative  which is up to 72,009 TL.    in achieving their financial goals.”
             product portfolio, we are by the side of
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