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Ray Sigorta is adding mental health to the coverage of its supplementary
health insurance
With a customer-centric and innovative about the importance of mental health.
approach to addressing needs, Ray Sigorta We view and embrace being part of the
has introduced its “Complete Health solution to the rapidly increasing mental
Insurance from Head to Toe,” which health problems both in our country and
covers both physical and mental health. globally as our social responsibility. Our
With this new product, Ray Sigorta offers research is one of the first steps in these
extensive coverage for physical illnesses, efforts.”
as well as online psychological counseling,
wellness services, and an expanded check- ‘There is high demand for mental
up option to detect stress-related diseases. health coverage in insurance’
Ray Sigorta, one of the fastest-growing Erdoğan, stating that the research
companies in the industry with its revealed citizens value their mental health
innovative products and services focused as much as their physical health but do
on customer needs, has shared the not seek professional help for mental
results of its “Stress and Its Effects on issues, continued: “In fact, we are aware
Our Health 2024” research, conducted of how important our mental health is,
to measure awareness of mental health but we often don’t know who to consult or
and its impact on insurance preferences. how to get help regarding mental health detecting stress-related diseases to include
According to the research, 68% of issues. Many of our citizens refrain from Vitamin B12, Magnesium, and Vitamin D
citizens rank “stress” as the number one seeking professional help due to concerns tests. The “Complete Health Insurance
health problem they encounter. One in about high costs, believing it will be from Head to Toe” also provides financial
three people report not feeling “mentally expensive. However, there is a strong coverage of up to 50,000 TL for mental
healthy,” and one in five experience demand—94% of those who participated health conditions that require inpatient
“constant stress and anxiety.” Among in the survey want mental health coverage treatment.
those who do not feel mentally healthy, included in health insurance, and 89%
90% say, “My mental state affects my say this coverage would influence their Erdoğan’s attention-grabbing
physical health.” The research reveals choice of health insurance. At Ray awareness message on Çınar’s program
that the vast majority of individuals try Sigorta, meeting customer needs with the Ray Sigorta CEO Koray Erdoğan,
to cope with mental issues by engaging most accurate solutions is our primary who plays a pioneering role in raising
in hobbies, exercising, or seeking support goal. For this reason, we have partnered awareness about mental health in Turkey,
from their loved ones. Only 23% prefer to with the digital health platform Evital was a guest on the YouTube channel of
see a psychologist, while one in ten people to offer our ‘Complete Health Insurance renowned Clinical Psychologist Gökhan
admit they do nothing to overcome stress from Head to Toe,’ which covers mental Çınar. Joining the program with Berk
or mental health issues. health in addition to all the benefits of Boyacıgil, the General Manager of Evital,
supplementary health insurance, making Erdoğan shared his views on the societal
“We are taking action to raise it a first in Turkey. In this way, we are dimension of mental health issues and
awareness about mental health at Ray making access to mental health services the details of the work they are doing in
Sigorta” for our customers more affordable, this field. Erdoğan stated, “According
Ray Sigorta CEO Koray Erdoğan, noting accessible, and comprehensive than ever to research, depression and other stress-
the increase in mental health issues before.” related disorders have increased by more
such as stress, anxiety, and depression, than 25% since the pandemic. The stress
both globally and in Turkey, stated: Six online psychological counseling we experience in work life, at home,
“Challenges we face at home, in traffic, sessions per year and on the streets has become a very
and the stress and uncertainties directly Ray Sigorta provides its digital health important issue, and both governments
affect our mental health. Moreover, services under the “Complete Health and companies need to pay much more
numerous scientific studies show that Insurance from Head to Toe” in attention to it. However, when we look
mental health is one of the cornerstones collaboration with Evital, the health at the allocations in government budgets
of physical health. In other words, the ecosystem platform of the Eczacıbaşı and the share of these issues in GDP, we
path to maintaining physical health starts Group. As part of Ray Sigorta’s new see that this proportion is still at very low
with mental health. As an important product, which is the first in Turkey levels. Physical health affects us and our
stakeholder in the healthcare system, to include mental health coverage, immediate surroundings, whereas mental
the insurance sector must focus on the policyholders can receive online health affects the entire society. This is an
mental health of our citizens and share psychological counseling support three issue that impacts the whole community,
this burden with our government more times for free and three times with a and we all need to address it together.”
effectively. For this reason, at Ray co-payment per year. Offering wellness The video, which received intense interest
Sigorta, we are taking action not only to services that improve the quality of life from viewers, can be watched at the
provide economic benefits and coverage to for its insured customers, Ray Sigorta following link:
our customers but also to raise awareness also expands its check-up package for watch?v=FmPa-HqdgAU&t=258s