Page 17 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
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There is no mention of severance pay in any of the drafts con- that they expect growth in capital in 2024.
cerning the TES SEDDK President Davut Menteş stated that
topics such as financial resilience, Compulsory Disaster Insur- Great Interest in the Panels
ance (ZAS), the Complementary Pension System (TES), and
participation insurance are on the agenda. He also touched upon
the actions taken in the last nine months, indicating that steps The 3 International Insurance Summit, organized by TSB, con-
have been taken toincrease initial capital, implement capital ad- tinued after the opening speeches with a panel titled “Assessment
equacy regulations, regulate real estate and equity holdings, and of Insurance Protection Gaps in Key Areas: Natural Disasters,
set production/capital limits in high-risk branches. Menteş em- Cybersecurity, Life and Health Services, and Pension Schemes
phasized that work in the TES area is progressing rapidly, but – Insights and Strategies to Enhance Coverage and Flexibility.”
there is no study related to severance pay in any draft plan. Moderated by TSB Secretary General Özgür Obalı, the panel fea-
tured Sors Academy CEO Zorana Pejcic, Deputy Director Gen-
Strong Growth in the Reinsurance Market eral of Insurance Europe Olav Jones, SCOR SE Board Member
& North Africa and South Mediterranean Market Director Marc
Büker, and Howden Turkey Regional CEO and Chairman Atınç
Charles Whitmore, Global Head of Relations at Guy Carpenter, Yılmaz.
noted positive developments in the reinsurance market and stated
Reaching Policyholders Through a
New Channel is Essential
The summit continued with motivational speeches by Host-Entre-
preneur Ceyda Düvenci and Author Mert Başaran. Key points from
their conversation included:
“We are here as policyholders. We want to discuss insurance from
the perspective of insurers. We are not adequately informed. How-
ever, by paying a little more premium, we can gain much more
profit or more coverage. These opportunities should be explained
to individuals at the most basic level. Whether it’s a pension plan,
health insurance, or any other product, details must be communi-
cated much more effectively to society. Insurers should engage more
with their customers. The focus should be on content rather than
sales. Financial freedom should also be available for the future of
children. Insurance is the way to achieve this. Education starts in
childhood; there could be an increase in children’s books and con-
tent related to insurance. Video chats based on real stories could be
created for adults. The important thing is to reach the potential.” Relations Manager for Life and Health in Europe, the Middle East,
and Africa at Swiss Re.
Emphasis on Gender Equality The final panel of the day, titled “Closing the Retirement Income
The session continued with the panel titled “The Future of Life In- Protection Gap – Seizing Opportunities and Overcoming Challeng-
surance in Turkey: Addressing Underinsurance, Tackling Gender es,” was moderated by Alper Yapalak, Assistant Director at Hun-
Inequality, and Developing Innovative Products for a Changing tington Partners LLP. Participants included Hetty Ahern, Long-
World.” Moderated by Vasilis Katsipis, General Manager of Mar- Term Savings Manager at the British Insurers’ Association, Burak
ket Development for A.M. Best MENA, South and Central Asia, the Ali Göçer, General Manager of Garanti BBVA Life Pension, and
panel featured QNB Insurance General Manager Pınar Kuriş, BNP Prof. Dr. Cem Kılıç, Faculty Member at TOBB ETÜ.
Paribas Cardif CEO Cemal Kişmir, and Yannick Vincent, Customer