Page 26 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 26

26 cultural outlook

     Routes to be explored by land in summer

     Although almost every resort of our country can be reached by plane with transfers, there
     are some resort areas where it is much easier and more economical to get there by bus.
     We have compiled summer vacation routes for travel lovers that they can reach more

     comfortably by bus. There is an alternative for every taste and budget in the list, where
     there are both pleasant and fun options.

     When creating holiday routes, especially for some resorts, bus  for camping. For the easiest transportation to Kerpe, it is enough
     transportation is preferred due to the distance to the airport and  to buy a Kandira bus ticket and use minibuses departing from the
     the fact that it is much more economical. We have brought to-  Kandira bus station.
     gether summer vacation routes that can be enjoyed by bus.
     Kerpe                                                    Iğneada, which can be reached directly by bus from Istanbul's
     Kerpe, which can be reached by a 2-2.5 hour bus ride from Is-  European Side with its floodplain forests and long coastline, is
     tanbul,  is  among  the  attractive  locations  with  its  affordable  also another of the routes we recommend taking by bus. Dupnisa
     price and magnificent sea view. Among the places to swim in the  Cave, Igneada Beach, Igneada Longoz Forests and Mert Lake
     town are Ladies Beach, Society Beach and Kerpe Public Beach.  are among the must-see places in Igneada, which also offers ac-
     Watching the sunset at Kartal Cliffs is one of the must-do activ-  tivities such as trekking, camping, canoeing, ATV tours, picnics
     ities in Kerpe. In addition, the region is in a very ideal location  and nature walks. One of the most popular activities of the region

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