Page 21 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 21


                    Change in the number of personnel working in the sector over the years

      20.000                                                                                             18.862
      18.000                                                                             16.873
      16.000          14.062          14.228           14.623           15.289
       8.000     5.894                             5.794            5.635           5.946            6.857
       6.000                      5.326
                    2018             2019            2020             2021             2022             2023
                                Number of direct sales personnel  Number of employees of the company

      Source: TSB
     life insurance companies, and 47 non-life insurance companies.   14,387 women and 11,332 male employees are employed in
     The number of personnel employed in these companies increased   insurance and private pension companies.
     from 22,819 at the end of 2022 to 25,719. Sector operate with
     many  stakeholders  and  a  variety  of  products,  while  insurance   In total, 401 people are graduates of the department of law,
     companies, pension funds and life companies, reinsurance com-  978 people are graduates of the department of economics, 2
     panies,  BES  agents,  insurance  agents,  brokers,  actuaries  and   thousand 56 people are graduates of the department of engi-
     insurance experts, the industry's main activity field is created by   neering, one thousand 914 people are graduates of the depart-
     generating employment.                                    ment of insurance and actuarial, and 4 thousand 115 people
                                                               are  graduates  of  the  department  of  business  administration.
     According to the end of 2023 data of TSB, a total of 16,337   7,919 of the total employees in the sector are graduates from
     personnel working in direct sales and non-direct sales in insur-  other departments
     ance companies; 8 thousand 964 people are employed in private
     pension and life companies, and 418 people are employed in re-
     insurance companies.                                             Distribution of the total personnel
                                                                     employed in insurance and pension
     54 Percent of the total staff consists of
     women                                                               companies according to their
     It turns out that 54 percent and the majority of the total staff     educational status (*DSPH)
     employed in insurance and pension companies are made up of
     female employees; 46 percent are made up the male employees.                       140
     4336 of the direct sales personnel are women; 2521 of them are
     male personnel. It turns out that 10051 of the employees work-                2.360   1.339
     ing in areas other than direct sales are women; 8811 of them                               2.396
     are men. According to the data for the end of 2023, a total of

         Employment indicators in the insurance
                        sector (2023)

      Number of personnel working in companies *   25.719                         12.627
      Number of employees of the reinsurance company  418
      Number of experts                            1.895
      Number of real person experts                1.267                   Primary/Secondary School and Equivalent
      Number of legal person experts               628
                                                                           High School and Equivalent
      Number of agents                             18.030
                                                                           2-Year College
      Number of brokers                            109
      Number of actuaries                          476
      * The sales staff is included.
      Source: TSB, TOBB, SBD                                   * Excluding direct sales personnel
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