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28 gourmet corner

                  Béatrice Restaurant                                        Genova  1050

                                                                Following OLDEN 1772 and Karaköy Mesai, Gen Groups’
                                                                new surprise for Istanbulites is Genova 1050. Nestled on
                                                                Bankalar Street in Karaköy, one of Istanbul’s most beau-
                                                                tiful streets, this Italian-inspired chic café takes its name
                                                                from  the  Genoese  who  once  ruled  the  area.  At  Genova
                                                                1050, coffees are prepared in an Italian style using 100%
                                                                Arabica beans. You can order classic options like Espres-
                                                                so, Americano, Mocha, Ristretto, Cortado, Latte, as well
                                                                as  taste  the  venue’s  unique  blends.  Their  use  of  special
                                                                roasting recipes has swiftly set the place apart from its
                                                                competitors. The distinct interpretations of various coffee
                                                                beans from different regions are a true delight for coffee

                                                                If  you’re  wondering  about  the  most  preferred  coffee  at
                                                                Genova 1050, the answer is Arabica. This type is charac-
                                                                terized by a rich aroma and subtle chocolate, fruit, or flo-
                                                                ral notes, followed by Robusta. Robusta promises a darker
                                                                and fuller taste compared to Arabica, with lower acidity.
                                                                Surely, you won’t be leaving your coffee alone. Now, onto
       Although the nostalgic charm of the dining, drinking, and   the  delicious  desserts  that  can  accompany  your  coffee...
       entertainment scene in Istanbul’s Pera has diminished over   The kitchen team at Genova 1050 is quite confident when
       time, Béatrice Restaurant allows one to experience the en-  it comes to cannoli. Additionally, the varieties of cheese-
       chantment of the past. Situated within the Adahan DeCamon-  cake,  croissants,  brownies,  and  slices  of  cake  are  worth
       do Pera, an Autograph Collection hotel, Béatrice Restaurant   trying. If you don’t have time to sit in this place, which
       echoes the nostalgic spirit of Pera in a historic building that   offers an extremely peaceful and inviting atmosphere for
       is over 150 years old. The Adahan building, one of the nu-  socializing, you can consider the take-away coffee option.
       merous structures commissioned by the renowned Kamondo   The creators of the venue have put serious effort into mak-
       family in the area and erected as a family residence in 1874,   ing the transportation of coffee comfortable. Genova 1050
       takes its guests on a journey through time. From the mo-  can accommodate up to 30 people in its warm and welcom-
       ment you step into the historic building, you find yourself   ing ambiance. When you find yourself in Karaköy, be sure
       surrounded by a nostalgic atmosphere, thanks to the archi-  to give it a try.
       tectural details and meticulous decoration. The legacy of the
       Kamondo family is meticulously preserved here. The restau-
       rant on the terrace floor takes its name from the family’s
       daughter, Béatrice de Camondo.

       Béatrice Restaurant unveils the Galata Tower, the Bospho-
       rus, and the Historical Peninsula in front of your eyes. This
       breathtaking view has already made the place a destination
       for  business  meetings  and  romantic  encounters.  Travelers
       visiting Istanbul also frequently choose Béatrice. Especially
       during sunset, the terrace offers impressive views to accom-
       pany your meal from every corner. Now, let’s talk about the
       restaurant’s menu. Firstly, the menu is quite extensive, and
       the kitchen team caters to every palate. The portions are also
       quite  satisfying.  Dishes  like  melon-infused  beef  carpaccio,
       local Sinop-style dumplings, and tender roasted beef asado
       are among the most favored flavors. The chicken with island
       tea  and  mushroom  risotto  are  also  must-tries.  No  matter
       what dish you choose, don’t forget to leave room for dessert
       and try the signature baklava cheesecake of the venue.
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