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30 publications

       Kişisel Karbon Ayak İzi Rehberi (Personal Carbon Footprint Guide)
       Writer: Devin Bahçeci
       Publisher: Yeni İnsan Yayınevi

       Global climate change is increasingly being felt as a growing threat every year. Halting climate change
       is primarily possible through political struggle. On the other hand, the importance of the struggle of
       civil society and citizen initiatives is immense. We all know very well the emissions that cause climate
       change. Similarly, we are equally aware of alternative, clean, and sustainable energy sources. It is the
       duty of every ethical citizen to desire what is good and clean. While the social aspect of climate change
       is like this, it is also necessary not to neglect individual solutions. In summary, on one hand, we should
       invite the man who throws starfish into the ocean to engage in social struggle, and on the other hand, we should help him
       throw the starfish into the ocean. I wonder what the carbon footprint of each individual or household is? Calculating this,
       questioning our personal lifestyle habits, is a prerequisite for a sustainable planet. It is necessary to firstly compare the
       calculation in your hand with the national average, then with the world average, and subsequently target them to reduce
       your personal carbon footprint. All proceeds from this book will be used to finance Devin Bahçeci’s climate change educa-
       tion efforts under the umbrella of the Yeryüzü Derneği (Earth Association).

       Düşleyen, Düşünen, Dönüşen İnsan - Okulda Öğretilmeyen
       Yaşam Becerileri (Dreaming, Thinking, Transforming Human -
       Life Skills Not Taught in School)
       Writer: Bahar Eriş
       Publisher: Alfa Yayıncılık spend days without any dreams or goals, scrolling through social media for hours, wasting time
       excessively watching series or playing computer games, drifting without asking “What do I want in
       life?” and interpreting going with the flow as “letting yourself go without thinking about tomorrow,”
       isn’t it a betrayal to ourselves and our potential? As we approach the end of life, do we want to look back and realize that
       we spent most of our time watching cat videos on social media, taking selfies from five different an-gles, and lamenting
       over the mostly unrealistic lives of others? Bahar Eriş suggests that we need to rethink and transform our “life” that is
       incompati-ble with the new realities in many ways, and for this, we need to develop our emotional intelligence, attention and
       focus, creativity, critical thinking, and time management skills. And then she adds: “So how do we develop these skills?”
       (From the Press Release)

       All the Light We Cannot See
       45 LANGUAGES
       Writer: Anthony Doerr
       Translator: Handan Ünlü Haktanır
       Publisher: Diyojen Yayıncılık

       “Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever”
       Marie-Laure lives in Paris with her father, who is a locksmith at a museum. As her eyesight diminishes
       day by day, Marie-Laure completely loses her ability to see by the age of six. Her father creates a perfect miniature model of
       their neighborhood for her, so she can memorize every detail with her fingers and find her way home when she goes out. At
       the age of twelve, one morning when the dark clouds of war loom over the city, they are forced to flee to the seaside house
       of her uncle in France, who has been living there for twenty years and hasn’t stepped outside, taking with them a stone filled
       with secrets from the museum.
       (From the Press Release)
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