Page 21 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 21


                                             Premium Production by Month


                                                                          Septemb        Novemb Decemb         2022
             January February  March  April  May    June    July   August         October
                                                                            er             er      er          2023
                                             PREMIUM PRODUCTION BY MONTH                                       2024
        2020 126.992. 133.307. 132.813. 101.288. 108.712. 142.958. 142.117. 135.062. 142.565. 148.954. 165.630. 149.108.
        2021 123.432. 132.515. 149.105. 117.568. 111.238. 149.407. 134.124. 146.766. 151.936. 144.718. 166.880. 165.507.
        2022 148.529. 155.252. 180.201. 148.207. 145.794. 198.634. 174.960. 206.641. 198.748. 188.945. 252.493. 420.808.
        2023 310.049. 552.880. 514.869. 330.723. 342.786. 339.011. 365.756. 410.493. 376.880. 365.729. 399.599. 438.157.
        2024 965.034. 1.111.67 19.197.9

     The insurance rate for buildings built in 2020           for buildings built between 2007 and 2019 stood out with 39.89
     and beyond is 14.03 percent                              percent, this rate dropped to 14.03 percent for buildings built in
                                                              2020 and later.
     Looking at the building construction years and insurance rates,   1-3 4-7 per cent between floors in the building in the building
     the insurance rate in buildings built before 1975 is 3.64 percent.   between floors while 44,43 insurance rate 36,73 percent, and 19
     While  the  insurance  rate  of  buildings  built  between  1976  and   percent between floors in the building 17,04 8-18-storey build-
     1999 is 27.47 percent, buildings built between 2000 and 2006   ings is seen as 1.80 per cent.
     have an insurance rate of 14.97 percent. While the insurance rate

                                              Premium Production by Year

     DATE         POLICY NUMBER (000)      NUMBER INCREASE (%)       PREMIUM (000 TL)      PREMIUM INCREASE (%)
     2010                  3.316                     -3,5                  319.415                    -0,8
     2011                  3.725                     12,3                  378.782                   18,6
     2012                  4.786                     28,5                  509.771                   34,6
     2013                  6.029                      26                   674.134                   32,2
     2014                  6.808                     12,9                  753.881                   11,8
     2015                  7.230                     6,2                   786.072                    4,3
     2016                  7.628                     5,5                   876.140                   11,5
     2017                  8.284                     8,6                   1.020.136                 16,4
     2018                  8.846                     6,8                   1.176.967                 15,4
     2019                  9.490                     7,3                   1.322.661                 12,4
     2020                  9.992                     5,3                   1.629.511                 23,2
     2021                 10.532                     5,4                   1.693.202                  3,9
     2022                 10.941                     3,9                   2.424.324                 43,2

     2023                 11.656                     6,5                   4.746.940                 95,8
     01/01/2024 -          1.868                       -                   2.095.905                   -
   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26