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     The results of the 2024 Global Talent Trends Survey, prepared  tion have paid off. 64% of managers say their companies can
     by Mercer, a part of the Marsh McLennan group of companies,  withstand unforeseen challenges, up from 40% two years ago.
     based on the opinions of over 12,000 senior executives, HR lead-  Short-term concerns like inflation significantly influence manag-
     ers, employees, and investors worldwide, have been announced.  ers’ three-year plans, while longer-term risks such as cyber and
     The research highlights surprising changes in the business world  climate change do not receive the attention they deserve.
     and  reveals  significant  differences  between  the  views  of  senior
     executives and human resources on developments that will propel  Building individual resilience is just as crucial as corporate re-
     the business world forward in 2024.                     silience.  82%  of  employees  are  concerned  about  experiencing
                                                             burnout  this  year.  Reimagining  work  for  employee  well-being
     The Global Talent Trends Survey indicates that employers are  is critical in reducing this risk. While 51% of rapidly growing
     prioritizing steps to succeed in this new era, while employees are  companies (with revenue growth of 10% or more in 2023) have
     perceived to lag in understanding the impacts of evolving tech-  already done so, the figure drops to only 39% for slower-growing
     nology.                                                 companies.

     Productive artificial intelligence (AI) is seen as the key to  Employee experience is the top priority
     increasing productivity                                 58% of managers are concerned that their companies are not
     According to the results of the research, the rapid development of  making enough effort to encourage employees to embrace new
     productive artificial intelligence has increased hopes for improv-  technologies. 67% of HR leaders express concerns about imple-
     ing workforce productivity. Forty percent of managers anticipate  menting  new  technology  solutions  without  transforming  work.
     gains of over 30 percent from AI. However, 58 percent of the  Employee experience is the top priority for HR this year. There is
     surveyed managers believe that technology is progressing fast-  a significant 2.6-fold increase in the likelihood of successful em-
     er than companies’ ability to train their employees. Forty-seven  ployees sharing that their employers design job experiences that
     percent believe they can meet this year’s demand with the current  bring out their talents to the fullest.
     talent model.
                                                             Human resources play a critical role in making work better for
     Challenges arise in finding a sustainable path for the future of  everyone. However, there is an increasing necessity for HR to col-
     work.  Seventy-four  percent  of  managers  are  concerned  about  laborate with digital and risk leaders to implement the required
     their ability to adapt their skills to transformation. Twenty-eight  changes at the necessary pace. To meet the expectations of the
     percent of HR leaders are quite confident that human-machine  organization and employees, 96% of companies this year plan
     collaboration will be successful. Like the high-growth companies  to redesign HR functions focusing on providing cross-functional
     that have already implemented it, the path to greater agility lies  services and leading digital work methods.
     in skill-focused talent models.
                                                             Investors prioritize employee engagement
     Employee confidence is generally decreasing             For the first time this year, Mercer collected information from as-
     According to the Global Talent Trends Survey, trust in employers  set managers on how corporate talent strategies affect investment
     in 2023 is showing a decrease compared to 2022 (the highest lev-  decisions in the Global Talent Trends Survey. 89% of managers
     el ever). The current situation is worrying due to the significant  see employee engagement as a significant factor in company per-
     impact of trust in employers on employees’ energy, desire for de-  formance. 84% believe that an increase in workforce turnover
     velopment, and willingness to stay in the organization. Employees  due to employee burnout would harm the company’s value. Inves-
     who trust that their employers will do what is right for themselves  tors also say that promoting trust and fairness will be the most
     and society are twice as likely to say they have a strong purpose,  important factor in creating real and sustainable value over the
     feel a sense of belonging, and feel valued.             next five years.

     Nearly half of employees express a desire to work for a company  Şadiye  Azışık  Kılcigil,  Mercer  Turkey  Eastern  Mediterranean
     they can be proud of. Some companies are prioritizing sustain-  Region Career Leader, emphasized the importance of designing
     ability efforts and ‘Good Work’ principles in response. Factors  a human-centered employee experience in this year’s survey, sim-
     that determine employees’ intent to stay with the company include  ilar  to  last  year’s  survey.  Kılcigil  stated,  “With  burnout  at  an
     fair pay at 34% and development opportunities at 28%. Employ-  all-time high, flexible working, diversity, equality, and inclusion
     ers need to make more progress in pay equity, transparency, and  initiatives, and employee well-being programs that make work
     equal access to career opportunities next year.         models less exhausting emerge as critical points to attract, re-
                                                             tain, and motivate talent. Additionally, we are in a period where
     Employees worldwide clearly state that a sense of belonging con-  organizations need to closely monitor the opportunities provided
     tributes to their responsibilities and performance improvements.  by artificial intelligence and its impact on critical skills.”
     However, only 39% of HR leaders say that women and minori-
     ties are well represented in their company’s leadership team. Only  Kılcıgil also pointed out the increasing hopes regarding the rap-
     18% say that recent efforts for equality, diversity, and inclusion  id development of productive artificial intelligence in enhancing
     have increased the retention of key diversity groups in the compa-  workforce productivity.  “While enhancing  productivity through
     ny. 76% of employees participating in the survey report witness-  artificial intelligence is a top priority for managers, the solution
     ing age discrimination. When these challenges are combined with  is  not  limited  to  technology  alone.  Achieving  better  workforce
     ongoing  talent  shortages,  it  is  seen  that  prioritizing  inclusivity  productivity requires conscious and employee-centric job design.
     and meeting the needs of employees will help the development of  Leading companies are aware that artificial intelligence is just
     all employees.                                          one part of the equation. They also adopt a holistic approach to
                                                             increase productivity and provide greater agility with emerging
     Resilience will be crucial in the coming years          new business models through human-machine collaboration,” she
     According to the research, recent investments in risk mitiga-  said.
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