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20 insurance outlook

     Earthquake has been forgotten,

     insurance has slowed down

     According to the data of the Natural Disaster Insurance Agency (DASK), the number of
     compulsory earthquake insurance policies reached 11.5 million units as of March 2024.
     Thus, the insurance rate increased to 57.50%. Although the DASK insurance rate is in-

     creasing with each passing period, there is still a long way to go here.

     In the statistics of DASK, which was established after the 1999  It  is  noteworthy  that  46.9%  of  the  total  premium  production
     Gölcük Earthquake, which caused the destruction or damage of  comes from the Marmara Region, which has 4 million 483 thou-
     more than 100 thousand buildings in Turkey, in March 2024,  sand 8 insured housing units. The Aegean Region, which houses 1
     it was shared that there are a total of 20 million 32 thousand  million 723 thousand 40 insured housing units, contributes 18%
     houses in Turkey and the number of insured houses has reached  to premium production, while the Mediterranean Region, with 1
     11 million 508 thousand 562.                            million 361 thousand 39 insured housing units, contributes 6.8%
                                                             to premium production. The distribution rates of other regions in
     The insurance rate in Turkey, which is faced with the risk of  premium production are as follows: The Central Anatolia Region
     earthquakes at any time, increased from 53 percent at the end of  with 1 million 964 thousand 514 insured houses is 9.6 percent;
     2019 to 56.6 percent as of November 2020. In 2022, compul-  the Black Sea Region with 891 thousand 595 insured houses is
     sory earthquake insurance reached the number of 8 million 797  6.8 percent; the South-Eastern Anatolia Region with 578 thou-
     thousand 607 policies in October, while premium production was  sand 666 houses is 3.2 percent and the Eastern Anatolia Region
     seen as 1 billion 745 million 915 thousand 635 TL. In March  with 506 thousand 700 insured houses is 6.4 percent.
     2023, the total insurance rate was 57.1 percent, while the num-
     ber of policies in force was 11.4 million. This figure was record-
     ed as 57.50% as of March 2024.                               Insurance rate by number of floors (%)

     The Black Sea Region is the region with the
     lowest insurance rate

     When  insurance  rates  are  looked  at  regionally,  the  Marmara
     Region ranks first with an insurance rate of 65.5 percent. The            17,04
     Eastern Anatolia Region ranks second with a 58.4% insurance                          36,73
     rate, while the Aegean Region ranks third with a 58% insurance
     rate. The Mediterranean Region follows in fourth place with a
     54.1% insurance rate, and it is followed by the Central Anatolia
     Region with a 52% insurance rate. In the Southeastern Region,             44,43
     the insurance rate is 51.50%, while the Black Sea Region ranks
     last with a 46.1% insurance rate.
     The total premium production of existing earthquake insurance   01-03 FLOORS  04-07 FLOORS  08-18 FLOORS  19 AND MORE FLOORS
     policies is observed to be 5 billion 968 million 183 thousand TL.

                                                POLICY UNITS BY YEAR
            January  February  March   April   May      June    July     August   September  October  November  December
      2020  770.506  795.129  807.925  603.716  658.705  896.958  890.014  862.455  906.244  924.242  699.789  904.330
      2021  748.382  803.047  922.866  724.875  679.634  952.467  849.443  940.361  975.857  901.131  1.014.127  1.019.617
      2022  769.757  801.840  944.067  773.108  775.680  971.958  846.333  1.025.857  983.305  905.702  1.045.903  1.070.627
      2023  789.406  1.236.804  1.228.279  817.349  853.169  826.962  929.659  1.038.920  959.188  920.457  983.437  1.072.644
      2024  791.340  1.058.411  18.504
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