Page 15 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 15


      continue to provide coverage to our industry in the future as we do  The Milli Reasürans Art Gallery has been organizing numerous ex-
      today, and we will work towards fulfilling our responsibilities in  hibitions that have resonated in the art community and garnered
      improving market conditions.                            significant interest for nearly 30 years. At the same time, it has
                                                              prepared many books and publications, most of which have entered
      You often make a name for yourself in areas such as sports  the art literature and are used as academic references.
      and art. Can you talk about your corporate social responsibility
      initiatives?                                            Our company, led by a female Chairperson of the Board of Di-
                                                              rectors, not only adheres to a Gender Equality Policy in female
      At Milli Reasürans, in addition to our contributions to the insurance  employment but also entrusts department management and senior
      sector and the country's economy, we also support development in  management responsibilities to female employees. We take pride
      the social and cultural fields. In this context, we carry out projects  in the majority of our top management being comprised of women.
      in the fields of culture, art, and sports. The sustainable perspective  Within this framework, our Ethics Committee ensures the imple-
      we focus on with every step we take forms the foundation of such  mentation of the gender equality principle in our company in line
      projects.                                               with the Gender Equality Policy. Additionally, regular training ses-
                                                              sions are provided to all employees on this matter.

     “We continue to maintain our position as                 With all these practices, as a pioneering company in the insurance
                                                              sector in Turkey, contributing to the sustainable and healthy struc-
      a qualified, reputable, and trustworthy                 ture of the sector, we have been awarded the "Equal Opportunity
         reinsurer on a global scale with our                 Model" (FEM) Certificate by KAGIDER, as a result of our human
                                                              resources policies that emphasize female employment and efforts to
      strategy of expanding into international                empower female employees who play active roles in both manage-

                         markets.”                            ment and production.
                                                              What are your goals for the end of 2023, and what are your
                                                              expectations for the industry as a whole?
      Within this scope, I can highlight some of our projects as follows:
      Turkish  Insurance  Institute  Foundation  (TSEV):  Established  in  As Milli Reasürans, with over 90 years of experience and our mis-
      1970 by Türkiye Sigorta Birliği ve Millî Reasürans T.A.Ş., TSEV  sion, our efforts to provide sufficient capacity to the industry will
      has been providing continuous education and consultancy services  continue to grow, just as they have in the past.
      to the insurance sector for 53 years.
                                                              Our main goal is to maintain our leading position in the local in-
      Miltaş Facilities: Since 1986, we have been offering courses in ten-  surance market and extend our profit-focused risk-return balance
      nis, basketball, and volleyball at the Miltaş Facilities. Since its es-  approach to international markets. We have all the necessary struc-
      tablishment, thousands of children and young people have benefited  tural competencies and strong equity to achieve sustainable growth.
      from our facilities. Additionally, the 'International Insurance Ten-
      nis Tournament,' which has been held continuously for 35 years,  Milli Reasürans, which continues to bring its technical knowledge
      stands out as an event that is eagerly watched and followed in both  and expertise in the Turkish market to global markets with the sup-
      the domestic and international insurance sector. The tournament  port of a strong capital structure, will continue to stand by its busi-
      held last June holds the distinction of being the longest-running  ness partners with its tradition of service in line with international
      corporate event.                                        standards and effective reinsurance solutions.
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