Page 17 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 17


       There are many reasons for the increase in these events. One of  concerns reinsurance markets and insurance companies’ strat-
       them is climate change. Climate change is causing an increase  egies  in  disaster  management.  Türk  Reasürans  recently  took
       in the average temperature of the world. This, in turn, leads to  a significant step in response to these risks. The Catastrophic
       more severe weather events and longer-lasting droughts.  Modeling Platform, CatMod, created by Türk Reasürans, will
                                                              now enable the better management of all catastrophic risks in
       Another reason is human activities. Deforestation, changes in  the sector, with a primary focus on earthquakes. After the Kah-
       land use, and pollution are increasing the risk of natural disas-  ramanmaraş Earthquake, the industry demonstrated successful
       ters.                                                  performance and played an active role in returning life to nor-
                                                              mal. In the event of a potential Marmara earthquake, the sec-
       The increasing number of catastrophic events is causing wide-  tor will play an important role in quickly compensating for the
       spread destruction worldwide. Millions of people are left home-  damage that will occur and in addressing the wounds that arise
       less, thousands lose their lives, and economies suffer.  after the earthquake as swiftly as possible. Furthermore, both
                                                              in our country and globally, the insurance sector plays a pivotal
       To mitigate the effects of these events, steps need to be taken to  role in coping with increasing catastrophic risks such as forest
       combat climate change and be prepared for natural disasters.  fires, floods, landslides, and more.

       Here are some measures that can be taken:              Damage is increasing globally as well
       - Take steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to combat cli-  Natural disasters in the first half of 2023 resulted in a global
       mate change.                                           economic loss of 194 billion dollars, with only 53 billion dollars
                                                              of that being insured. The most devastating natural disaster in
       - Protect forests and make land use more sustainable.  the first half of the year was the Kahramanmaraş Earthquake,
       Reduce pollution.                                      which claimed the lives of over 50,000 people.

       - Improve early warning systems and implement education pro-  According to a report by Aon, global economic losses from nat-
       grams to be prepared for natural disasters.            ural disasters in the first half of 2023 significantly exceeded
                                                              the 21st-century average, reaching 194 billion dollars. These
       The risk is increasing every year                      losses rank as the fifth-highest recorded in the report, and this
       As global temperatures continue to rise due to climate change,  year’s losses already account for 60% of the global annual av-
       statistics also indicate a worldwide increase in the number of  erage economic losses. The report also indicated that global
       severe weather events. Many studies show that the most promi-  losses are expected to further increase for the entire year. In the
       nent consequence of rising global temperatures is an increase in  first half of 2023, there were 25 different disasters worldwide
       the number of weather events such as floods, storms, droughts,  that resulted in an economic loss of 194 billion dollars. All of
       and extreme temperatures.                              these events, except for one, were related to weather condi-
                                                              tions. Out of the disasters recorded in 2023, 17 occurred in the
       Many studies indicate that the most pronounced consequence  United States, followed by Asia-Pacific (4), EMEA (3), and
       of rising global temperatures is an increase in the number of  the Americas. Global insured losses from natural disasters in
       weather events such as floods, storms, droughts, and extreme  the first half of 2023 amounted to 53 billion dollars, which is
       temperatures. According to data from the World Meteorolog-  46% above the 21st-century average and 25% above the 10-
       ical Organization (WMO), climate or water-related disasters  year average. This also marks the fourth-highest first half-year
       have caused an average of 115 deaths per day and an average  period on record, following 2011, 2021, and 2022. Similar to
       of 202 million dollars in damage every day over the past 50  previous years, losses were primarily attributed to severe con-
       years. According to the WMO’s report published in 2021, there  vective storms in the United States.
       were a total of 11,072 natural events between 1970 and 2019.
                                                              During this period, billion-dollar insured losses occurred in at
       During this period, floods accounted for approximately 44%  least 18 separate events. Out of these, 14 occurred in the Unit-
       of all natural events, followed by storms at 35%, and droughts  ed States, 2 in New Zealand, 1 in Turkey, and 1 in Western and
       and landslides at 6% each. Extreme temperatures accounted  Central Europe. Severe convective storm events in the United
       for  5%,  while  the  least  common  natural  disaster  was  forest  States dominated the list of the top 10 most costly events in
       fires, at 4%.                                          terms of insured losses. However, the most costly single event
                                                              in the first half of 2023 was the earthquakes in Turkey. Taking
       The report from the United Nations International Strategy for  into account both public and private insurance coverage, the
       Disaster  Reduction,  comparing  disaster  statistics  from  2000  total damage estimated to be caused by this event is believed
       to 2019 with the previous 20-year period, also shows that the  to exceed 100 billion Turkish Lira. This figure, considering the
       number of most severe weather events has roughly doubled on  average exchange rate in February and subsequent price infla-
       average over the past 20 years.                        tion, is equivalent to 5.6 billion dollars.

       Insurance is the most significant strength in this environ-  The insurance industry, which plays a significant role in pre-
       ment                                                   venting and mitigating risks in the fight against climate change,
       Insurance is, of course, the primary mechanism designed to  also holds great importance in raising awareness and fostering
       cover losses resulting from large-scale natural disasters such as  a sense of risk consciousness within society. Insurance serves
       earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and fires. With the increase in  as a crucial safeguard against the losses that can occur as a
       the frequency and intensity of natural events alongside global  result of climate-related disasters, effectively acting as a shield
       warming, the reality of earthquakes in our country also closely  against the impacts of climate change.
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