Page 19 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 19


                         According to the results announced by the Insurance  At the end of the first quarter of this year, highest pre-
                         Association  of  Turkey  (TSB)  at  the  end  of  March  mium  growth  was  reported  in  life  insurance  branch;
                         2020, total volume of premiums written by Turkish in-  which was followed by health insurance, marine, liabil-
                         surance market reached 3 billion 312 million USD, up  ity insurance, fire and natural forces, vehicle insurance,
                         by 6.91% compared to the same period of last year.  general losses and accident branches.
                         In the first quarter, premium volume in non-life lines
                         climbed up by 0.77%, to 2 billion 685 million USD;  At the end of the first quarter of 2020, Allianz Sig-
                         while life insurance premiums increased to 627 million  orta  maintained  its  leadership  position  with  written
                         337 thousand USD with a growth of 44.6% compared  premiums standing at 317 million 427 thousand USD,
                         to the same period of previous year. (According to TL-  which corresponds to a market share of 9.58%. Anad-
                         based results, growth in overall premium volume was  olu Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi ranked second with a
                         reported as 24.79%, non-life premiums increased by  market share of 8.93% which brought them a premium
                         17.63%, and life insurance by 68.78%. The difference  volume of 295 million 811 thousand USD. Aksigorta
                         resulted from the difference of exchange rates between  followed as third with a premium production of 187 mil-
                         two  years.  USD/TL=6.5913  on  31.03.2020;  USD/  lion 154 thousand USD and a market share of 5.65%.
                         TL=5.6470 on 29.03.2019)                       Ziraat Sigorta climbed up to the fourth position with a
                                                                        premium production of 177 million 714 thousand USD
                         “Allianz Sigorta closed the first quarter as   and a growing market share of 5.36%. AXA Sigorta
                         market leader once again, with a premium       ranked fifth with a market share of 5.29 percent, and
                                                                        written premiums standing at 175 million 341 thousand
                         production of 317 million USD and a mar-       USD. Top three companies wrote 24.16% of all market
                         ket share of 9.58%”                            premiums, while the top 5 produced the 34.82%.

                         At the end of the first quarter of 2020, highest volume   Highest amount of non-life premiums were written by
                         of  premiums  were  written  in  the  liability  insurance,   Allianz Sigorta, Anadolu Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi,
                         which dominates the market with a share of 25.14%.   AkSigorta, Ziraat Sigorta, and AXA Sigorta, respec-
                         Life  insurance  followed  as  second  with  a  share  of   tively.
                         18.94% in overall premium production, and health in-
                         surance ranked third with a share of 15.12%. During   On the other hand, top 5 companies of the life insurance
                         the first quarter, share of general losses were reported   premium volume were listed as Ziraat Hayat ve Emekli-
                         as 11.81%, vehicle insurance 11.67%, fire and natural   lik, Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik, Allianz Yaşam ve Emek-
                         forces 11.4%, accident 2.93%, and marine 1.46%.   lilik, Metlife Emeklilik ve Hayat, and Garanti Emeklilik
                                                                        ve Hayat, respectively.

                                        Market shares of insurance companies

                                                          9,58%                      Allianz Sigorta AŞ
                                                                                     Anadolu Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi
                                        24,68%                    8,93%              Aksigorta AŞ

                                                                                     Ziraat Sigorta AŞ
                                                                      5,65%          Axa Sigorta AŞ
                                                                                     Bupa Acıbadem Sigorta AŞ
                                                                      5,36%          Sompo Sigorta AŞ

                                                                                     HDI Sigorta AŞ
                                       22,08%                                        Mapfre Sigorta AŞ
                                                                 4,48%               Ziraat Hayat ve Emeklilik AŞ
                                                                                     Next 10 Companies
                                                                  4,00%              Following Companies
                                                  3,06%  3,19%  3,68%
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24