Page 14 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
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Aksigorta celebrates its 60th anniversary on digital environment
Due to COVID-19 outbreak, Aksigorta celebrated its 60th the latter,” said Cenk Alper, CEO of Sabancı Holding.
Anniversary on digital environment with the participation of
Güler Sabancı, Chairperson of Sabancı Holding; Cenk Alper, Stating that Aksigorta is a deeply rooted company, Cenk Alp-
CEO of Sabancı Holding; Haluk Dinçer, Head of Financial er added as follows: “The fact that it is dynamic and ener-
Services at Sabancı Holding and Chairman of Aksigorta; and getic as it is just starting the competition even after 60 years
Uğur Gülen, General Manager of Aksigorta. is the biggest proof that Aksigorta is a renewable company.
Aksigorta manages present on the one hand, and designs and
Aksigorta celebrates its 60th year in the market. Aksigorta shapes the future on the other. There are now companies that
has contributed to the market and economy since its founda- are trying to adapt themselves to the new future, and those
tion in 1960, and continues to be the address of “confidence that are designing that future. I consider Aksigorta as one of
and innovation” with its innovative and solution-oriented the latter. This puts the responsibility of leadership on your
products and services in its 60th anniversary. shoulders. You will tell how our new future will look like after
COVID-19 first to us, and then to entire sector. You have the
Today, Aksigorta keeps contributing to the market and econ- power and energy to do that.”
omy with 10 regional management offices, 670 employees
and 3000 independent agents, and making life easier for its “Aksigorta is one of the shining stars of both insurance mar-
customers by breaking new grounds in the market during 60 ket and Sabancı Group. I believe that we will expand our
years that were left behind. Due to the global COVID-19 out- achievements and carry our flag to higher positions in the
break, the company celebrated its 60th Anniversary on digital coming years,” said Haluk Dinçer, Head of Financial Services
platform with the participation of Güler Sabancı, Chairperson at Sabancı Holding and Chairman of Aksigorta.
of Sabancı Holding; Cenk Alper, CEO of Sabancı Holding;
Haluk Dinçer, Head of Financial Services at Sabancı Holding “Aksigorta is one of the shining stars of both insurance mar-
and Chairman of Aksigorta; Uğur Gülen, General Manager of ket and Sabancı Group. We have a great management team
Aksigorta, as well as senior managers, employees and busi- that works harmoniously together. We have a strong staff who
ness partners of Aksigorta. are highly loyal to the company. We have differentiated our-
selves from the competition thanks to large-scale technolo-
“Aksigorta knows how to be the remedy, how to be the solu- gy investments and applications we have completed in recent
tion and how to stand by people in difficult times. You have years. At the base of all these achievements, I see all our
been a pioneer and broken new grounds over the course of employees and especially our management team. I would like
these 60 years. We expect more innovations in the new term,” to thank each and every one of you for your achievements and
said Güler Sabancı, Chairperson of Sabancı Holding. selfless efforts. I wholeheartedly believe that we will expand
our achievements and carry our flag to higher positions in the
Stating that Aksigorta has been a company of successful per- coming years,” said Haluk Dinçer, Head of Financial Services
formances for 60 years, Güler Sabancı added as follows: “To- at Sabancı Holding and Chairman of Aksigorta.
day, under these circumstances, we need to keep living our
lives without postponing. Therefore, I’d like to congratulate “We are the address of trust and innovation for 60 years”
all of you by organizing this celebration without any delays
under today’s circumstances. Aksigorta is a team of high mo- Uğur Gülen, General Manager of Aksigorta, stated that they
tivation and success. You achieved successful results in 2019. continue the journey of insurance which started in 1960. “We
You started 2020 successfully, despite all its challenges. Cur- have been directing the market and writing a significant suc-
rent results suggest that this success is ongoing. Your cus- cess story for 60 years with the confidence coming from the
tomer satisfaction results are always high. As a part of your Sabancı Group and support from Ageas, and the strength
job, you always stand by people during difficult times. You we derive from our employees, customers and business part-
know how to be the remedy, how to be the solution and how ners. Today, we are Turkey’s most trustworthy and also most
to stand by people in difficult times. Aksigorta has accom- profitable company. Undoubtedly, the biggest share in this
plished pioneering results in 60 years, and broken many new achievement belongs to our employees, business partners and
grounds. We are expecting new innovations for the new term. stakeholders who constitute the Aksigorta family. Without
Once again, I congratulate you for your 60th anniversary.” sacrificing our approach of creating ‘a unique insurance ex-
perience’ for our customers, we will continue to bring benefits
“There are now companies that to our country, our business partners, and all our stakehold-
are trying to adapt themselves ers with an organization structure that can rapidly adapt to
to the new future, and those contemporary circumstances and our innovative and visionary
that are designing that future. perspective as we have done in the last 60 years.”
I consider Aksigorta as one of