Page 17 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
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Aksigorta increases customer satisfaction thanks to its digital infrastructure
Recently, digitalization their investments in digital infrastructure. “With 600 VPN con-
has become compulso- nections per day, I can say that we are the most actively work-
ry due to coronavirus ing company among those serviced by SabancıDX. Our teams
pandemic; and Aksig- are conducting 33 different projects effectively over Microsoft
orta has managed to Teams. In the last two weeks, 2 of our projects successfully went
increase its customer live remotely. During this home-office period, by focusing on
satisfaction level by 15 customer experience, we have renewed our Aksağlık mobile app
points by carrying all its which is developed specially for our health insurance customers;
business process to digi- and launched its ios and android versions in their stores. This
tal environment. renewal included new features that will simplify the lives of our
customers during this period. Our customers will be able to issue
Business manners and their claims for non-contracted institutions by simply sending a
most work processes photo of their invoice. This means that it no more necessary for
have been transferred to them to send the original copies of invoices for health claims up
digital environment due to 20.000 TL,” he said.
to coronavirus pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus that
continues to impact more and more people. In these times when All operations are run from home
staying at home is of utmost importance, Aksigorta, a subsidiary
of Sabancı Holding, has managed to increase its customer sat- Underlining that they have successfully conducted 180 thou-
isfaction level by 15 points thanks to successful investments in sand transactions over artificial intelligence ADA since March
digital infrastructure. 16, when the company initiated the home-office model; Metin
Demirel added: “During this sensitive time, we continue to stand
Business continuity achieved with digital infrastructure by our customers. All of the employees working at our call centers
located in İstanbul and Balıkesir continue helping our customers
Introducing artificial intelligence practices to Turkish insurance from their homes. During this timeframe, we have successfully
market, Aksigorta has been conducting most of its business pro- managed 20.000 contacts without experiencing any interruption
cesses through help from digitalization over the last two years. in our business continuity. Carrying our customer satisfaction
Metin Demirel, Executive Vice President at Aksigorta, stated level 15 points higher with uninterrupted services provided to our
that they easily adapted to this home-office process thanks to customers from our homes has made us really happy.”
Güney Çelik appointed as the Regional Head of Marine for Eurasia and Africa at Chubb
In his new position, Güney Çelik will work together with under- He has made significant
writing and business development teams and be responsible from contribution to devel-
improving the marine insurance operations in the region. oping Chubb’s marine
activities in Turkey. I
Having worked as the Marine Manager at Chubb Turkey since believe he will make
2017, Güney Çelik will continue to carry out his new duties from similarly successful
his current office in Istanbul, and will be reporting to Emre Buğ- contributions on the re-
day, Country President of Chubb Turkey; Nikolay Dmitriev, P&C gional level. With this
Director of Eurasia and Africa Region; and Benoit Chasseguet, appointment, we will
Head of Marine for Continental Europe. increase our focus on
marine insurance which
Chubb Avrasya & Afrika Bölge Başkanı Giles Ward, Regional is already very impor-
President of Eurasia and Africa at Chubb tant for Chubb, and ac-
celerate our growth in
“I am pleased that Güney Çelik has been assigned for this duty. this area.”