Page 9 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 9
used to this process. If you want to learn to remote sales and remote communica- important for us. Many insurance com-
to swim, you need to jump into the wa- tions. We need to contact our customers panies have taken precautions to protect
ter. As in every crisis, Turkish people will remotely. That’s what our agents are do- them. And as HDI Sigorta, we have deter-
overcome this crisis with minimal wounds ing right now. We will get used to it, our mined a roadmap to touch both our cus-
and minimal losses. agents will get used to it. I hope the crisis tomers and the agency channel. We have
will not last long; but we should allocate drawn a route in the form of ‘companion’
Working methods and the way of touch- more time to sales during this crisis. We support packages. We have been announc-
ing our customers are changing. This has are supporting our agents during this term ing these support packages every week
a very important result for our business so that they can allocate more time for for almost a month and a half. We have
manners. We had to know our customers selling insurance. We need to establish offered many conveniences ranging from
well; but now with the virus, we have to one-on-one communications with our cus- tariff discounts, to collection flexibilities,
know them much better. We have to reach tomers not only for insurance, but in the from postponing advance payments to in-
out to them more frequently, and listen to form of personal interest and consultancy. stallments with the aim of ensuring that
them much more closely. Since consumer I think that many professions will need to our customers stay in the system. For the
reflexes change during such periods, we continue working in consultancy model as agency channel, we have organized cam-
need to monitor those reflexes and pro- they will not be able to establish physical paigns so that they can sell more. We have
duce policies accordingly. We need to find contact. This is an advantage for insurers, initiated campaigns especially for May-
out which requirements are priorities for it is our usual job to provide financial con- June period. We have developed many
them. sultancy. Therefore, each sector will take solutions to support our agents based on
its own lesson from this process. their customers. We have very efficient
Health insurance is the least impacted practices to ensure that our agents gener-
branch. Because the crisis itself is health What has your company done to help ate more income. We have also support-
related. Therefore, we are not expecting agents to go through these circum- ed our agents with new products. We de-
any problems for health segment. There stances more easily? signed a new product providing coverage
are problems especially in motor and traf- for mobile phones. It is highly demanded
fic lines. People started neglecting motor Financially, we have touched both our cus- at the moment, sales are good. We are do-
and traffic insurance, because they are not tomers and agency channel in this process. ing our best; we are doing everything we
using their cars. We need to solve these There are 16 thousand agents in the insur- can to make sure that both our agents and
problems. We need to make sure that pol- ance market; we are working with nearly customers feel that we are always there
icyholders remain insured, and develop 20 percent of them. As our company is a for them. And I see that they are satisfied
new models for them. We need to get used very big agency company, they are very in general.
“We have touched
both our customers and
agency channel
financially during this
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