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28 pension outlook

                     2024 occupancy rates of pension mutual funds in the first quarter (%)

                               June          May           April          March          February        January
      Mixed & Flexible Funds   4,74          4,75          4,74            4,68            4,48           4,40
      Debt Instruments         3,05          3,06          3,19            3,13            2,84           2,91
      Fund Basket Funds        5,23          4,83          3,83            3,81            4,21           3,99
      Stock                    3,65          3,57          3,40            3,33            3,25           2,75
      Participation Funds      1,08          1,06          0,98            1,05            1,12           1,11
      Precious Metals          13,17        13,79          14,02           13,79          13,08           13,15
      Money Market             4,80          4,56          3,93            3,81            3,76           3,73

     of the participation funds, which achieved a return of 35.67%,   A 24.98 percent return on participation funds
     reached  4.40%  in  January,  4.48%  in  February,  4.68%  in
     March, 4.74% in April, 4.75% in May, and 4.74% in June.  Participation funds had provided a return of 12.62% to their par-
                                                             ticipants in the first half of 2022. This rate increased to 24.98%
     Fund basket funds achieved the third highest return  in the first half of 2024. Looking at the occupancy rate of partici-
     rate                                                    pation funds, it was 1.11% in January and decreased to 1.08% in
     The fund basket funds were the third group that provided the
     highest returns in the first half of the year. The return rate of  Precious metals funds provided a return of 21.45% to their par-
     fund basket funds was recorded at 32.83% in the first half of  ticipants in the first half of 2024. The occupancy rates of precious
     2023. In the first half of 2024, participation funds provided a  metals funds reached 13.15% in January and 13.17% in June.
     return of 33.70%, with monthly occupancy rates of 3.99% in
     January, 4.21% in February, 3.81% in March, 3.83% in April,  In the first half of the year, the bond funds were the
     4.83% in May, and 5.23% in June.                        group that provided the least return

     Money market  funds provided their  participants with a return   In the first half of 2024, money market funds became the pen-
     of 25.76% in the first half of the year. The occupancy rates of   sion fund that yielded the least for participants, with a return rate
     money market funds reached 3.73% in January, 3.76% in Feb-  of 16.09%. The occupancy rate of money market funds reached
     ruary, 3.81% in March, 3.93% in April, 4.56% in May, and   2.91 percent in January, 2.84 percent in February, 3.13 percent
     4.80% in June.                                          in March, 3.19 percent in April, 3.06 percent in May and 3.05
                                                             percent in June.

                       Average monthly returns of pension mutual funds against

                                   alternative investment instruments (%)

       KYD 1-Month Indicator Deposit Index TL                                2,26
                   BIST - Gold - USD/Gram                  1,20
                     BIST - Gold - TL/Gram                                       2,48
                     Producer Price Index                       1,51
                    Consumer Price Index                               1,88
                              BIST 100                                                           3,44
                             CBRT Euro               0,81
                         CBRT US Dollar                 0,98
                          Money Market                                     2,13
                         Precious Metals                                 2,04
                      Participation Funds                                  2,17
                                Stock                                                                         4,22
                       Fund Basket Funds                                              2,78
                        Debt Instruments                       1,45
                   Mixed & Flexible Funds                                               2,92
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