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P. 33


                   Pixi İstanbul                                        Crumpet London 1992

                                                                Crumpets, a popular traditional British snack, are espe-
                                                                cially favored for breakfast and tea time. As they cook,
                                                                crumpets develop holes on both the top and bottom surfac-
                                                                es, resulting in a spongy interior and a crispy exterior. Any
                                                                butter, jam, or sauce placed on top seeps through these
                                                                holes and accumulates inside, which is where Crumpet’s
                                                                true flavor comes from.

                                                                Crumpet  London  1992  is  the  first  and  only  place  in  Is-
                                                                tanbul where you can enjoy crumpets. If you haven’t tried
                                                                crumpets before and want to start with the most basic ver-
                                                                sion, the buttered Billy Boy is perfect for you. The Brixton,
                                                                with butter, garlic, and chives, is also one of the simple
                                                                options. If you’re looking for a complete English-style ex-
                                                                perience, opt for the Northcote Road with poached eggs,
                                                                Swiss fondue cheese, and sweet British beans. For a hearty
                                                                plate, try the garlic avocado puree, red pepper, cucumber,
                                                                tomato, walnuts, cottage cheese, balsamic glaze, and but-
       The  menu  consultancy  for  Pixi  Istanbul,  renowned  for  its   tered Blue Golf. The menu also includes vegan and vege-
       Mediterranean cuisine, is handled by the world-famous Greek   tarian options. If you prefer something sweet, you can try
       chef  Athinagoras  Kostakos.  Recognized  as  the  winner  of   the Clamper with Nutella and banana or the Ernest Bevin
       Greece’s Top Chef program, Kostakos has also served as a   with butter and homemade strawberry jam. Whatever you
       consultant chef at restaurants like Nōema Mykonos and Scor-  choose, don’t forget to enjoy it with a cup of milky English
       pios Mykonos. Kostakos’s dishes, prepared with the season’s   tea. Crumpet London 1992 is open daily from 10:00 AM
       fresh ingredients, are complemented by Pixi’s carefully select-  to 6:00 PM.
       ed wine and cocktail menu. The coordination of the three bars
       at Pixi Istanbul is managed by Alex Kostenyuk.

       The menu features many signature dishes. Among the start-
       ers, grilled eggplant served with Greek white cheese and nuts,
       truffle bulgur salad, and smoked tarama are highlights. For
       main courses, you might find it difficult to choose between
       black Angus meatballs, grilled sea bass with burnt butter and
       lemon sauce, and grilled chicken with special sauce. The des-
       sert menu’s star is the semi-baked cookie served with vanilla
       ice cream.

       As soon as you step through the door of Pixi Istanbul, you are
       greeted by a mesmerizing world. The venue’s highly praised
       details bear the signature of the world-renowned British ar-
       chitectural firm Belenko Design Studio. Pixi, the first venue
       in Turkey to use mapping and media art, offers guests unique
       visual experiences with its lighting and mapping applications
       during both lunch and dinner hours. Inside, an entire wall is
       covered with video mapping, while the ceiling features a spe-
       cial lighting design that creates a four-layer cloud effect. The
       ceiling, inspired by the tail of a peacock and complemented
       by red furniture and lighting details, gives Pixi VIP Club a
       striking atmosphere. Pixi Istanbul also provides a special ex-
       perience with its floral decorations.  Flower artist Yunus Kar-
       ma’s designs are featured at Pixi Istanbul each month with a
       different concept.
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